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Computer VIRUS (FAKE) a real bear!!!


Posted 7:00 pm, 01/06/2010

Hitting the power button and shutting down the computer can scratch you hard drive making you looses files including the OS. If you are that worried about it install Comodo firewall. http://personalfirewall.com... It is free and you will hate it, but NOTHING will be able to install or run without asking you if it is OK first. It is worse then Vista or Windows 7 about asking for permission to do stuff. The good news, Its the #1 firewall on the market and its free.


Posted 5:27 pm, 01/06/2010

it is a simple fix not very hard and you dont have to restore your operating system. it takes about five minutes to fix. I have done it to many pc's in the last few months. ProTech Networks 336 262 2945. Your data will be safe and you will not have this problem till you download it or go to a site with this "fake antivirus tool".


Posted 12:52 pm, 01/06/2010

go to tcp/ip properties and set to obtain address automatically, same thing for DNS
the you will be able to google for repair procedure, also download microsoft updates including their malware tool


Posted 12:09 pm, 01/06/2010

FIRST THING ... if you see something like this pop and start scanning, I do no care what you are doing, IMMEDIATELY HIT THE POWER BUTTON AND SHUT THE COMPUTER DOWN!! That stops it from completely installing.

AVAST, AVIRA, MALWARE are all good and free. I will have times where one will pick up where the other won't. I have had nothing but problems w/ Norton (just my personal experience anyway). It's good to download the above programs and periodically scan your computer to keep it clean. I also like Ad-Aware (another free download) to clear out spyware. Also good to go under Internet Options and delete cookies, history, and temporary internet files. Also, defrag. This will help keep your computer running smoothly and fast.

I have encountered several virus's simply surfing and looking at news articles. They are EVERYWHERE!!! They will pop up and start downloading on their own ... remember TURN OFF THE COMPUTER. Don't go through shut down just cut power immediately!

SYSTEM ALERT .. what a nightmare that one was!!! My husband got it and didn't know to cut the power. It kept shutting down the programs to remove it. Had to completely format the computer and lost everything we had on it.

Anything like that that pops up and wants to scan for problems IS A VIRUS / MALWARE .. and as stated before .. simple EXTORTION!!!! I agree w/ empowers .. not a coal hot enough!


Posted 11:59 am, 01/06/2010

YES I had to do it on safe mode the last time I done it.


Posted 11:58 am, 01/06/2010

Has anyone tried to do Restore in 'Safe Mode' ?


Posted 10:46 am, 01/06/2010

You can restore your computer to an earlier date and get rid of it that way. Just go to start, programs, accessories, system tools, system restore and pick an earlier date - like one month previous. This does not loose any of your new info,but it does get rid of the pop up virus. I have had this a couple of times and for whatever reason this really works.


Posted 10:41 am, 01/06/2010

I got hit by it several months ago, I restored my pc to an earlier date before the virus hit and that fixed my problem. You will lose any downloads you done after your restore date, but it was well worth it.


Posted 9:26 am, 01/06/2010

Have been hit several times with viruses. One called System Alert is a virus that is sent to you to get rid of a virus - of course for so much money. Believe that is called extortion. It is crooked, criminal, immoral and there is all kinds of extortion going on. Guess **** ain''t nearly hot enough.


Posted 9:15 am, 01/06/2010

check this one out http://www.malwarebytes.org/
its the best one i have tried. it's free :)


Posted 9:02 am, 01/06/2010

Yes had it and eventually had to restore the PC. BUT, my big problem is that AVG, and another anti malware (free) would fix it but you have to be able to remove Norton, which I could not do. Now that I have restored the PC, no more Norton and I have put new anti malware on the PC. IT is a nasty one. IF you can get on the internet, there are some solutions.


Posted 8:57 am, 01/06/2010

Another vote for Avast!

Does a great job, doesn't hog computer resources, and best of all is free to download.


Posted 8:33 am, 01/06/2010

That sucks ... Norton is a virus itself. Junk


Posted 7:26 am, 01/06/2010

I can remove this in under 30 minutes as i have done for many others. call me ProTech Networks 336 262 2945 ask for Joey.


Posted 7:09 am, 01/06/2010

you might want to try smitfraud fix it is a program to get rid of rouge antivirus. You may also want to try hijackthis if the other one dont work. It will tell you any thing suspicious running on start up.


Posted 6:29 am, 01/06/2010

My desk top has the virus but I haven't taken it to be worked on yet.


Posted 12:36 am, 01/06/2010

Yep....had to completely restore the computer back to factory specs.


Posted 12:26 am, 01/06/2010

I have never had any issues like that since I switched to Panda Internet Security. I did have some nasty infections when I was using Norton. The IT department at the college recommends Avast and one of my instructors also said it found stuff on his computer that other programs missed.


Posted 11:43 pm, 01/05/2010

Has anyone else been hit with this FAKE Malewire VIRUS. It hits with pop ups saying your computer is infected with a virus, other pop ups that give warnings and critical warnings about damage to your computer, when you search the web and click on an address it will take you to anything but where you want to go, it will reboot your computer, it will shut down spyware, malware programs, block you desktop changes and lots more (a real bear to remove)....anyway I have been working with Microsoft off and on since December 25th. Today for the last couple hours my computer has been quiet, no pop ups and everything so far is working correctly. The virus hits via email, downloads, clicking on websites and will enter your computer unknown to you and without you doing anything. My computer was sitting idol when it hit. Microsoft technicians worked for days on my PC and the last and final time, they told me to reformat my hard drive as that is the only way to get rid of the virus. I have yet to reformat and have managed to quiet the MONSTER for now. I do plan on reformatting soon, but right now I am hoping that I have removed the virus myself through hours of trying different things.
BEWARE and don't hesitate to get busy immediately if it hits your computer. One good note I GUESS is what the pop ups are saying are FAKE. Microsoft has been bombarded with calls about this virus.
Oh and my antivirus did catch the virus's entry however it could not handle removal....I have tried more than 3 antivirus' As of right now AVAST free is working well.
Just wanted to give a heads up to beware....the virus bypassed Wilkes internet virus filters.

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