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Computer Problems


Posted 7:34 pm, 02/08/2010

A good way to tell if your memory is not seated or defected is by the (beeps) your computer makes when you first turn it on. depending on the type of system you are running dictates the type of beeps you hear. Here is a site with the beeps + causes. http://kb.iu.edu/data/afzy.html

Before removing or installing RAM you need to ground yourself to the tower case. This keeps any static charges from damaging components. Second if machine shows any sign of dust inside properly clean out with an air can spray. You can get the cans from either walmart (located in the computer department) or computer shops. Take a flash light to inspect the RAM sockets for any debris that could get in between the connector pins, which will cause no connection. Last place your RAM with notches matching the notices in the RAM sockets. Line up the RAM making note the tab holders at each end of the RAM socket holder are pulled back to allow the RAM to slide down. You will need to apply even pressure to avoid damage to the socket or RAM. Last you must apply enough pressure to here the end tabs of the RAM socket click, letting you know that the RAM is seated properly.

Also, different size RAM my cause problems too. You must always place the larger RAM in the (first RAM socket), usually the RAM socket closet to the processor.

I hope this helps.


Posted 7:15 pm, 02/07/2010

Did you put them back in the same slots and take notice of the notch in the bottom also make sure the clips on each side close into the slot on the memory stick. or call me Joey ProTech Networks 336 262 2945 house calls are available


Posted 7:39 pm, 02/06/2010

One stick may be bad, try putting them in one at a time, put one in and try booting, if no boot try the other stick after removing the first (static electricity can ruin memory)


Posted 6:44 pm, 02/06/2010

nope, just did it again

they are def secure in there, heh, thanks for trying to help though


Posted 6:42 pm, 02/06/2010

well, i will check that i tried putting them in again,
but ill try pushing harder


Posted 6:33 pm, 02/06/2010

Sounds like you did not get the ram modules seated in the sockets. Sometimes it takes more force that you think you feel comfortable with to seat them


Posted 5:24 pm, 02/06/2010

Earlier this week i was checking my computer to see what type of ram was in it.
so i took off the side of the case and located the ram.
there where 2 sticks of ram, 512 mb each
i took them out to read the labels and see if i could upgrade to a better kind
anyways i placed them back in the computer exactly how i found them and now
when i boot the computer the fans run and everything lights up,
but nothing appears on the screen
could anyone possibly tell me what i need to do to fix this?
thanks in advance

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