Posted 9:43 am, 01/03/2011
whatever provider you have , charter,wilkes,century link, whoever, if you have 3 things 1. a good modem, 2. a dedicated line from that modem to the ground block/network interface device/ aka service entrance to your house. 3. a pc that is in good working order that is not eat up with a virus or spyware. than the problem is outside the house FOR SURE. could be a bad drop/aka the line buried to your house from the pole. It could be a main line problem ,are you the only one having a problem with the internet on your road ? or is the folks next door or down the road having trouble ? if other people on your road/street are having a problem than its a main line problem. All 3 charter,wilkes,century have main line issues that they are dealing with every week. Charter and century links networks are outdated to start with , its a full time job just keeping there networks running. Wilkes is the only one that has started dropping fiber optic cable to the service entrance at there custs homes. They are ahead of the game because fiber optic cable is the wave of the future , it travels at the speed of light there is nothing faster that the speed of light. Before long wilkes will have a true fiber optic network around here and a fiber network is almost flawless.
Posted 7:37 am, 01/03/2011
I had century/embarq for about 5 years, lost service everytime it rained, then is was modems (3) they said, then it was something else. Worked about 4 days per week if it was dry outside. On the phone constantly with them. Finally begged Time Warner to come down my road for 2 years, they did after I got two neighbors to sign on too. Now have roadrunner highspeed. Not perfect but is much faster and I think I've only lost service once in 2 years. Just my 2 cents, but if TWC is an option, it worked better for me.
Posted 7:36 am, 01/03/2011
Also, OC .. splitters can get grease in them where the stinger goes decreasing their efficiency. Thankful that fiber is close at hand for me and others ... WilkesTC has flags in ... should be within 90 days for it to be buried ... should have great speeds then.
Posted 7:15 am, 01/03/2011
I have centurylink. I am paying for 10 mb/s and get 6.5 download. I have called them about 3 weeks ago, they came out, did the tesing and said the problem is on their part and will fix it witihn a week. I just tested it and again nothing has changed.... I have no other option but centurylink
Posted 4:48 am, 01/03/2011
I have been having intermittent service too, and I am on the Charter system... Keep in mind that we just had some bad weather that may have affected the national infrastructure. I know that people in other parts of the country are also having service issues.... Yes it is frustrating but there is little if anything you can do about it.
Posted 11:54 pm, 01/02/2011
please listen to me im a computer engineer with a degree in applied science i know what im talking about
Red Mist
Posted 11:53 pm, 01/02/2011
It can be the modem if it's dsl. The dsl modems can still be bad even though you have internet, it just gets slower and slower as it heats. OC try turning it off for about 10 minutes and turn it back on. If it cools down your speed increases it's the modem. Spyware, malware and viruses can cause the problem. Several places you can run scans to see if you have a trojan.
Posted 11:45 pm, 01/02/2011
My speeds are at 3meg also,I gave up calling them because it does no good.
Posted 11:16 pm, 01/02/2011
So I called, the had me using the command prompt on my home PC for almost two hours. FTP, FTP THAT. Then they said okay, we reset your profile, this should help. Once they said my speeds were stable for the 5 minutes I was on the phone with them. Now it's the same thing all over again....
I dread calling them back, I think I'll wait until tomorrow.
Posted 10:20 pm, 01/02/2011
no its not the modem if there is connection then the modem is fine its a local problem (the pc) they have spyware and adware...maybe even some malware on the a computer engineer this is a very common problem
Posted 10:19 pm, 01/02/2011
Iam also paying for 10meg and getting 3meg also.I have called and called but they always tell me that there is notting wrong.
Daddy Frank
Posted 10:12 pm, 01/02/2011
I'm paying for 8 meg from charter and getting that most of the time. Sometimes it goes above 20. VOIP phone has been good lately (good upload speeds) & I got a great deal on a 2 year bundle for tv & internet from them. Lots of free on demand HBO, CINEMAX & primetime for less than 90 a month. I'm sold on charter until something better comes along.
Posted 9:59 pm, 01/02/2011
ur download speed also depends on where your downloading from if its a share site doesn't matter what ur speed is you can only download as fast as how many ppl are uploading....since you mentioned an upload speed i take it thats what you are doing....up loads take from down loads
Posted 9:48 pm, 01/02/2011
You're welcome, it sucks to pay more for a service that they aren't providing.
Posted 9:37 pm, 01/02/2011
Thanks for the info Hope, I guess i'll be calling then.
Posted 9:26 pm, 01/02/2011
Oc...that's almost exactly what mine is running tonight, but that's all I pay for (3.0 mb/s). I'd complain if I were you!!
Posted 9:12 pm, 01/02/2011
A slow computer is painful !!
Posted 9:06 pm, 01/02/2011
go on-line download spybot search and destroy run it and take off the adware and malware that it finds then you should be fine
Posted 9:04 pm, 01/02/2011
Yeah, it is depressing.... And no, it's not my only option