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Burn Photos to cd/dvd


Posted 8:34 pm, 12/23/2013

Copying files to a CD can be simple or difficult when using Windows 8.1 and there are many different approaches you can take. Using the built in windows explorer CD burning option is the simplest.


This is the best way to burn them to a CD. Once they are written to CD, you should be able insert it into the disk drive and Windows 8.1 will pop up an option in the top right corner of the screen allowing you to view the files.

If you are still having problems opening the files, make sure that they are saved in the right format. If you are creating a word document in Microsoft Word, when you are ready to save, choose the "save as" option and then select the format from the drop-down menu. You can even save it as a PDF for easier opening or sharing with someone who does not have an office suite installed on their computer.

Note: sometimes programs save your work in a format that can only be opened from your computer to be edited, then you are required to save it and choose the format to make it compatible with other programs.

Lastly, if you know what the format of the file is and what program it should open with, you can edit your default programs in Windows to have it automatically open that file format in a certain program.

To do this, follow this guide.

Also, if you need something to organize and edit your photos, Google's Picasa is great.

If you need a word processor, visit the following link to download Kingsoft Office.

I hope this information is helpful and you are able to solve your problem.


Posted 7:05 pm, 12/23/2013

what file extension are the photos? Are they .jpg or .png? Windows may not recognize the file type that's associated. If it's a standard format, you don't need a program to open them.

Press the Windows key *right beside the left ctrl key*. Type default and it will pop up default programs. Choose default programs and wait for it to launch. After it launches choose *Associate a file type or protocol...*. Then find your format for the pictures whether it's .jpg or .png and then assign it to photos.


Posted 7:35 am, 12/23/2013

I tried burning some photos to a cd and when I inserted the cd on my laptop to verify that they had been burned I got a message that said: The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install program". What kind of program do I need to install? This is the first time I have tried burning on my new laptop. I have Windows 8.1. Thanks.

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