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advice for internet options


Posted 8:05 am, 03/18/2013

you can buy a movie cheaper than you can stream it with the internet on the go (mobile 3-4g)
the correct device will cost you about $80.00 at walmart and enough air time for 2 movies will run $30.00 even then unless you are in an area (large city)with a really strong signal you will be buffering so much the movies will be unwatchable


Posted 10:51 am, 03/17/2013

If you'll be staying at a hotel, most of them offer free wi-fi for their customers. Also if you go out to eat any, most mcdonalds, or any fast food restaurant will offer free wi-fi as well. JUST make sure that you DON'T do anything that you want kept private on public wi-fi networks such as check bank accounts and that kind of stuff. IF your going to be doing that, then I'd recommend having a vpn on hand, or use Hamachi.


Posted 7:23 am, 03/17/2013

I think I would find a fast food place with free wireless to check my email and take some of your Movie DVD'S and watch them on your laptop.

generic posts

Posted 1:51 am, 03/17/2013

I don't know a lot about internet usage especially the gb or mb. I'm going to be staying away for home for a few days and there is no internet access. I would like to be able to check email's and watch Netflix for a couple of hours a day on my laptop. What can I purchase to be able to do this. I will not be using this item a lot in the future since I usually don't travel so I'd rather not pay a lot just to use it for a few days. I saw that Walmart had a Virgin Mobile usb stick I could purchase for about $30.00, but I am not sure what else I would need to buy. I believe I can purchase a prepaid card to use with it but I have no idea what size of a card to buy. Any suggestions on the least expensive way to go and what all I need to purchase to have a few days of internet access? Are there other or better options besides the Virgin usb?

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