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38 Viruses


Posted 7:29 pm, 04/03/2011

Just had to fix a friends computer, same problem. I highly recommend this free anti-virus.
Use first link first, free, to remove the crap then install comodo.


Daddy P

Posted 5:33 pm, 03/21/2011

My husband's laptop got this on his laptop while we were asleep Saturday night. I have told him not to leave it on just to save energy, but he always does. It was working fine when he last used it and then when he tried to use it the next day he could not get back the message from the windows emergency thing. I could not get it to bring up any windows so I could even download malwarebytes...even in safemode. I finally did a restore to four days ago and downloaded malwarebytes and that got it. Thanks to this posting!


Posted 4:43 pm, 03/15/2011

Was hit with this last night. I started my computer in safe mode but I still can't get online to download the maleware. Is there something else I need to do? I was watching tsunami videos and java came up and told me to see one I needed to download java. It went all to **** after that. p**no.com came up everywhere I tried to go it said it was infected and damaged. No I was not and have not looked at p**n on my lap top for those that will ask lol Anyone know of someone to clean it up?


Posted 7:37 pm, 03/14/2011

Where were you playing pool at?

The best online pool to me has always been Yahoo Pool.

Never had an issue with it either.


Posted 10:43 am, 03/11/2011

AVG has a rescue LIVE CD
Download, burn to cdr
boot cdr
scan for viruses from cdr
can update virus data base via web from the cdr


on a side note
if graphic mode fails to load use text only select scan all objects

it will clean pc with out booting windows or loading infected files
good luck


Posted 12:11 am, 03/10/2011

I agree Smokey, like your name.


Posted 11:54 pm, 03/09/2011

I think the people who are responsible for trying to damage peoples computers should be hunted down and given long prison terms and huge fines. This is no different than vandalizing your property on location at your home.


Posted 11:28 pm, 03/09/2011

thanks for the info Jase, I hope this saves others from pulling out their hair


Posted 11:20 pm, 03/09/2011

If the start menu won't open, try rebooting into Safe mode. This will open with the bare minimum of Windows drivers, which usually disables the virus long enough to get rid of it.

To boot in Safe Mode, just restart, and before the computer comes back on, press and hold the F8 button. If the Windows logo comes up, you waited to long.

Once you're in Safe Mode, everything will look like crap, but you can usually get it to install the antivirus program that you need. Or, at the very least, you can go in to the startup menu (msconfig) and remove the virus from the startup menu.


Posted 11:15 pm, 03/09/2011

Nadia, I hate yours couldn't be saved. I didn't think mine could but that old AVG brung it back to life but it's still acting funny. But when it was happening I acted like I was going to pay them & put in a fake Visa #, & for my name & address I cussed them out!


Posted 11:09 pm, 03/09/2011

same with when it happened to me nadia... couldn't pull up anything.


Posted 11:08 pm, 03/09/2011

With mine i couldn't get to the startup menu ..it wouldn't let me do anything and everytime i tried that message would pop up to pay that money


Posted 10:59 pm, 03/09/2011

lol Jason.. often times experience IS intelligence....


Posted 10:59 pm, 03/09/2011

I downloaded the malware thingy.


Posted 10:58 pm, 03/09/2011

I can't remember what all the pink page that popped up said, I wrote down your phone # Jase, if it happens again I'll call you & read it to you.


Posted 10:57 pm, 03/09/2011

Muse, don't confuse experience for intelligence! LOL

FWIW, 9 times out of 10, you can disable a virus in the startup menu; then, it's just a matter of finding the right file(s) to delete. The better viruses hide themselves to look like real programs, but once you know what virus you have, it's usually pretty easy to get rid of it.


Posted 10:55 pm, 03/09/2011

NADIA is right... you pay them and it resolves nothing and the virus remains.


Posted 10:52 pm, 03/09/2011

I had one to do that a few months back and my computer was totally destroyed ....i got that same message to pay 70 or 90 dollars i didn't do it and glad i didn't because it wouldn't have worked anyway ...hope you have better luck with yours


Posted 10:52 pm, 03/09/2011

I'm letting Jason take over JUST... he's WAY smarter than I.


Posted 10:51 pm, 03/09/2011

It's an HP bought last May, I bought extended warranty but will that cover viruses? I was hoping it would get hit by lightning too so I could get a new one.

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