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Wilkes Softball


Posted 9:00 am, 03/30/2019

If you to know the truth west got knocked out in the first round last year and the second round the year before. And if you think he is a good coach then you don’t have a clue about coaching or softball. Like i said before the coach at east could have won with the teams west has had why can’t the west coach. Well let me tell you why cause he don’t know talent he only knows daddy ball and how kisses his butt. I have seen him play girls in position that he has other girls that are way better at but there moms and dads kiss his butt or give him money and they get to play over girls. If you have watched west softball any at all you know this if you haven’t then all you got to do is ask former players and parents or **** ask his coaches they will tell you he does what he wants regardless if it’s right or wrong.


Posted 10:55 pm, 03/29/2019

Answer this..Define "Big Game" the talent is there and has been there and they have went at least 3 rounds in the state playoffs each year. What other school around here can say that? Answer..None As far as state playoffs goes the further you get the tougher the teams and the teams they run up against have had a more stacked lineup..no school around here wins back to back titles even if they have most players returning. Just because you lose to a great team doesn't mean your a bad coach..At least they were there..but so many people are narrow minded like you and just look to run West down. I don't care who the team is really if they are good then they are good..West has the best coach in the county and the best system right now from middle school on up and its why these girls are worked with and taught and unlike most programs the West girls will play travel and get better not just most teams having 1 or 2 who play


Posted 2:26 pm, 03/29/2019

Well answer this why hasn’t he won the big games the last few years with all the talent he has had?


Posted 3:23 am, 03/28/2019

Yes they were loaded and yes they had played together a long time so what? A great team is a great team no matter how long they are together so your comment is just pointless and as far as moving girls yes i've seen him put girls in the outfield who has played infield their whole life and why? because they were athletic and could run and get to balls no matter where they were hit. No matter how much you hate you have to give credit where it is due. And to me it doesn't matter if you win a 1A or 2A or 3A a title is a title and you have to have good talent to do it.


Posted 11:03 pm, 03/27/2019

West does has a state title at 1a and that team was loaded and also had been playing together since they were in elementary school. And you are saying you know seen any of the girls on the bench that should of been starting your crazy. I have seen him put girls out of positions several times just so girls can play because there parents kiss his ***.


Posted 3:01 pm, 03/27/2019

West has a state title and as far as girls being overlooked i've watched West for years and ok yes they have had some players who would be starting at other high schools but i never thought they were better than the starter at the position they play. And yes for some reason there has been good athletic girls coming through there and i think they were coached well in middle school. But if certain middle schools just doesn't have very much talent coming through a system and then on to high school that cant be helped. Talent in high schools has peaks and valleys. As far as stealing bases I understand what your saying but I also understand the concept of finishing a team off to reduce wear on your pitchers. And as far as meeting a good athletic team in state then im sure West will because thats why most teams get into the state playoffs. But what schools do you guys really think has the worst coaches other than your opinion of West? That answer should be interesting


Posted 1:36 pm, 03/27/2019

I agree Ashecofan that’s the problem with West year after year they can’t win the big games cause there not coached the right way. Take the coach at East if he had the teams West has had he would have run out of room to put State titles by now.


Posted 1:12 pm, 03/27/2019

West is good, West probably has the best bats in the conference, West has really good athletes playing in key positions, West has an excited, loud, motivating coach who gets his girls ready to play every game. The one thing they lack in the coaching department is class. You coach kids and you use sports to teach these kids life lessons that will last them long after softball is over. You coach to win every game in which you participate. You coach your team to be the best possible team they can be and if everything lines up well you win the conference and then the state. But what are you teaching kids when your up by 14 runs in the bottom of the 3rd inning and you continue to steal bases. You teach them a lack of respect, a lack of sportsmanship, you teach them that's ok dominate a lesser opponent even when the game is clearly in hand. Did you need that stolen base to win...no but it is the principle of continuing to pile on the runs just to make yourself feel and look better.

Ive coached softball for a long long time and there is a time in the game when you steal bases, bunt to advance runners and get them in scoring position and hit and run but sometimes it's over before it's over (like yesterday) and when it is over kids learn a different lesson that evidently isn't being taught at West High. I'm sure you will win the 2A side of the conference easily. I'm sure you'll go to state and when you do I hope you run into team who is so athletic, so well coached and so aggressive they dominate you in every phase of the game. And then when they are up and the game is clearly over I honestly hope they steal base after base just to run up the score. Cause KARMA is a B and it always comes home...…...and there is a big dose coming to West High very soon. Good Luck and enjoy!


Posted 6:32 am, 03/27/2019

If you think west has good coaching you must be crazy West has good players they have always had the most talent in softball for years there coaching is why they haven’t been able to win the big game against good teams. But the talent pool is about all dryed up. Also if he didn’t have the coaching at the middle school getting players ready the program would be like the rest in the county. Also they have always been daddy ball in that program at the high school there have been a lot of girls over looked caused of it too.


Posted 10:13 pm, 03/26/2019

West has good coaching and the best players play that's not daddy ball..but West wins and East and Alleghany loses..it's getting interesting.


Posted 8:08 am, 03/26/2019

West does have good hitting I am saying not having good coaching and playing daddy ball will hurt them in the long run.


Posted 10:33 pm, 03/25/2019

Not going to argue over who has the best pitchers but i will say West has better hitting than most and good pitching. But are you trying to say West is playing daddy ball and that will hurt them? If so your so wrong there, all the girls who start deserve to be there..just not sure who you think should be getting tons of playing time that isn't.


Posted 9:51 pm, 03/25/2019

East and Alleghany have the top 2 pitchers West is third on pitching not really having a top one. West does have the most talent but with not really good coaching and playing daft ball that will be there down fall again this year.


Posted 8:30 pm, 03/25/2019

There is noway West is 3rd or 4th best with the pitching and hitting and defense they have. But this is high school teams so anything can happen. I still say West, East and Alleghany is tops then Starmount..the rest of the teams only can get wins playing each other, most of them just really doesn't have enough players to put together a tough game, which can't be helped, the other team has talent but doesn't use it like they should, in other words poor coaching and parents running the team.


Posted 8:49 am, 03/25/2019

West want be so lucky next time. I still say west is the third or fourth best team.


Posted 12:13 pm, 03/24/2019

I wouldn’t get too excited....Alleghany’s pitcher was out due to an injury during warmups. Second outing will be much different I’m sure.


Posted 7:17 pm, 03/23/2019

Well West beat Alleghany yesterday so that helps them alot..does anyone know how the other teams in the county did?


Posted 7:33 pm, 03/20/2019

Well so far my predictions of the top 3 teams is coming true. Lets see how it all shakes out, should be interesting.


Posted 10:29 am, 03/18/2019

I put west as a top team because they have it all and then some. They have pitching and hitting and play pretty good defense. And past that they have great coaching. I will admit east and alleghany has the same but I just have to give west a edge because of a little more hitting and a little more defense.


Posted 8:52 am, 03/18/2019

Alleghany, East, and Statmount are the top teams. West can compete if they want but we will see.

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