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West Wilkes Softball


Posted 6:08 pm, 05/19/2018

Glad4 and Hawkeye. If we talk about daddy ball Central wins. Girls are allowed to make 5 and 6 errors a game and stay on the field. And that **** that was put in Friday’s paper about Central was a joke. Not the girls but the coaching! Really! Everyone knows theIr is no coaching at Central. Steve is not a coach he is just there. When you have your assistance do everything and you take the credit. West has girls playing where they should and where they do it he best. Central well the stats show year after year. The talent is there he do ‘t Know how to utilize it. So if neither of you having kids playing at Central your good. Hawkeye West did lose key players, however Michael will build his team back up! That’s what a coach does.


Posted 3:59 pm, 05/17/2018

This is some of the funniest and stupidest stuff I have ever seen. I agree they shouldn't have went to the beach on Easter weekend. I know there were several parents that called the coach and complained about it and he said they could stay here if they didn't want to go but he couldn't change dates. After it was all said and done the trip was good for the team to get together and have fun but for a softball experience it sucked. We were to go play three schools and only two wanted to play and one of them sucked the other one gave us a game but all that way on Easter weekend for two games was stupid. For years we have tried to get him to play good teams to make West the best it could be in softball but year after year they play a weak schedule and that's why we lose in the playoffs and can't compete against the better teams. As far as west goes they did lose a lot of talent this year and not a lot coming back but the softball game has changed a lot in the last 10yrs the girls are not the same and talent level is different also. West does have some talented girls coming back they do have some pitching and catching just not at the level they have had in the past. West will struggle the next few years but all the county schools will also. Alleghany will be the team to beat the next few years with maybe West ,East, and Central all battling it out for second. Now as for coaching West has had all the talent giving to them over the last 10 + years they haven't needed anyone to coach them at all. If it wasn't for the travel ball and the middle school programs west wouldn't be as good as it has been. If you want good coaching you better call Hob Pennell or Mark Anderson those two guys there has helped so many girls learn the game of softball and put Wilkes County on the map as one of the best softball counties in the state.


Posted 10:28 am, 05/13/2018

glad your either jealous or just stupid because if you knew the girls at west you would know at least 5 of them have pitching experience and at least 3 girls could catch. West has the most talent in this county. And you never did answer my question about daddy ball at central since i think thats who you say you pull for. Daddy ball there is so evident like i said.So if you reply answer my question about daddy ball there. West has the best infield and outfield returning even after losing the seniors that we have.


Posted 11:06 pm, 05/12/2018

5 pitchers really and 3 catchers. What a joke. Why not take a joke and look at West infield heck for that mstter outfield. West is the only school that brings a kid from another district and gives her a starting spot that she didnt earn. Plus she still lives in Boone. You have a baseball player get cut from the team for a picture he had posted but your softball girls can post anything. Btw good luck with legion your going need it.


Posted 10:39 pm, 05/12/2018

West has plenty of talent left..we still have great pitching and at least 5 who can pitch if it even was needed which i cant see ever needing 5 but we have it, plus at least 3 really good players who can catch. I do agree we lose some great hitters but we will just reload and fill in with more talent and have another great season, as far as daddy ball goes will you please tell me where you see girls at west playing positions they have no business playing or anything along those lines. You want Daddy ball just look at central..i think at central it took the play of a few girls to coverup the fact that others had no business playing where they were placed and everyone in this county can look at the infield and point out who they are. Now what do you have to say about Daddy ball? West still rolls wait and see!!


Posted 11:01 pm, 05/11/2018

Just wait and see. West lost all its talent it had left this year and whats left isnt going play. Too much daddy ball.


Posted 7:52 pm, 05/10/2018

I'm prolly going to stir the pot here but the comment is completely stupid about not playing on Easter or really what was their spring break I think. I know we are in the bible belt but please give me a break on the oo you cant play on certain days and make it sound like they just sinned. Every person has varying degrees of religion and whether you go to church everytime the doors open or not does not mean your going to heaven..so please give me a break..and if the parents are ok with the kids going then you need to stop whinning and maybe send joel osteen 100 bucks. As for the other things big whoop if they hit a vape at least it wasnt drugs..and if any of the girls did drink then thats on them and this is the only part i will agree with..they should have been dealt with if the proof was there and if they were drunk. As far as swimsuits well some girls show off more while others are more modest..here is a idea why dont you let them wear your nuns outfit to swim in..problem solved. Softball is a game and to get good you play and this trip was not in poor taste in anyway. If you dont wanna go then dont go!!!! And as far as west being done they just reload and still have more talent than any other team in this county. As far as someone saying go eagles omg what a joke there..you need to step back and look at what you have there before you even say west is done. Central has maybe 4 or 5 players who can play the rest of them is based on who their parents are not to mention the poor coaching..now come back at me as to why west is done with more of your eagle stuff.


Posted 11:36 pm, 05/08/2018

West softball is over for a few years now.


Posted 10:09 pm, 05/08/2018

It was a bad idea to go to Wilmington, NC on Easter weekend. How can you justify taking young ladies from home and church on Resurrection Day, Easter Sunday, to play softball? Softball is JUST a game. A GAME for Heaven's sake! And the Wilmington escapade meant nothing. What has happened to our standards as adults? Some of the parents also went with the team to insure a safe atmosphere and moral support. We know that a few bad apples ruins the whole basket. Don't put all the girls in that same basket. It should not have been approved by the West Wilkes Principal. Too much emphasis is put on sports in general. If parents had stood up for what's right, there would have no Wilmington trip. I'm glad it's all over for West this year.

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