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Duke or UNC


Posted 10:07 pm, 03/10/2010

Nice post Local I too have sit close enough to K at games and heard the things that come from his mouth and how he talks to his players/refs. I have also seen him away from the court and witnessed his attitude towards fans and it's nothing like the Dookies want to think it is. I would be willing to bet GT couldn't find his way to Durham much less has he experienced some of the games you and I have.


Posted 10:01 pm, 03/10/2010

Most of you folks, just avoid reading this long post.  Sorry for the intrusion.

I'm not going to get into a back and forth with some bandwagon Dook fan who throws an online temper tandrum every time he reads something he doesn't agree with.  It's not much worth it for me to get into it with someone that is obviously a good 15 years younger than me and likes to read Street and Smith or some online sports blogs.  I've been going to Big 4 games for 4 decades at all venues, including sitting in the student section of that tiny, hot stinkhole they call Cameron Indoor Stadium.  I'm sure you were about middle school age in the early 1990's when you jumped onboard the Dook train.  If you tell me that you were a Dook fan during the Gminski years or leading into the Alarie years that's somewhat different, but I've heard the other story way too much.  Many fans didn't even know Dook was anywhere near Durham NC when they jumped on that ship because it was sailing or because they thought Christian Laettner was cute.  Those 70's and 80's Duke players have much respect from me, but who other than Grant Hill (who I like and wish had gone to some other college) ever did anything in the NBA?  Boozer maybe? I actually like Jay Bilas; he, along with Hubert Davis, seem to be much more unbiased than the other commentators on TV nowadays.  Jay Bilas is also the guy that said that last year's UNC team was perhaps the best team he had seen in 20 years.  I respect what Coach K has brought to college basketball over the years; he was one of the best tournament/big game coaches I've ever seen; totally worthy of HOF; but I don't respect him at all off the court.  I was in school when he was losing, and I was in school when he was winning; many of the Dook people I knew at that time despised the way he treated the players and students. I've been seated directly behind his bench several times and I've heard the junk which spews from his mouth which the average Joe has no idea about.   I've heard many stories from Dook people about the confrontations they've had with him.  He's a whiny, hot-headed brat.  Great coach.  I know you hate Roy, but WIlliams is a decent person on all fronts.  He's coached a bit poorly this year in my opinion, but he really had a bunch of dumb, underachieving players to talk "at".  For someone to belittle that guy, just shows how little that person really knows about college basketball. 
Going to a college does change the way you feel about a school and the way you pull for them.  I was a longterm fan of another school when I entered UNC; as soon as I walked across the campus, that changed.  You can change who you pull for on TV, but your heart stays with the place you invested so much time and money in.  However, I don't blindly make comments about any team solely based on my likes and dislikes, and I make statements based only on what I've observed myself, not some insider information I've read somewhere else. That means that someone with blind faith in a team will often disagree with me.  It's just like that with subjects of religion and politics with most people; arguments unworthy of participation.  That's fine; maybe you've observed something else; you have a right to an opinion just as much as I have.   I have no problem pointing out problems with my team and your team and anyone else's team.  I will also point out the good qualities.  Anybody that knows me knows I give credit where credit is due, and without a bunch of namecalling in the opposite direction.  When it comes to the local high schools and middle schools, I will cheer all of the kids on to success.  I've had kids at Wilkes Central, so sure I will lean to WC in a battle.  Like the college feelings, having that connection changes how you pull for a school.  The Dook/Carolina rivalry is huge for people that went to college at those 2 schools (much bigger than the State/Carolina rivalry which exists mainly in the minds of the red guys).  If you didn't go to those schools then you really don't have a real clue and are just a follower and a pretender.  You have a right to whatever opinion you want, pull for whomever you want, but stop acting like you actually have a stake in one of the schools.  Go ahead and take the last word; I know you can't avoid it.  I'm done with this thing.


Posted 9:51 pm, 03/10/2010

GT I just told u that this weekends I cant but after this weekend u just tell me when since u claim u work 7 days a week and i'll be there. Theres a couple decent outdoor goals around town or if u like i play some ball at a gym around town we could get up there one night if that would be better. Just let me know since u claim to be such a busy man. And once again u better have the $ when u show up


Posted 7:24 pm, 03/10/2010

Local, I could give a fk less where you graduated from. I'm just sick and tired of you talkin s*%t about the big 3 when its a team game!! Zoubek has come up big for Duke this year, not so well in scoring but his screens and rebounds have been a big help to Duke this year! The best thing about this weekend for you and the rest of the carowina fans is the SEASON is OVER!!! Local I just wanted to know if you liked the signs at Cameron, like for instance CRY uncLE and NIT BUBBLE maybe!!!! OMG LMFAO!!! How many times has Duke been fighting for a NIT berth Local?? How many times has Coach K said IF WE GET AN INVOTATION TO THE NIT TOURNAMENT WE WILL ACCEPT IT like ROY of unc did?? Boss this makes 3 or 4 times I have repeated myself, which sounds alot like Local, but I am ready anytime you are!!!! Just let me know.. If you have found a place then I'm ready!!!


Posted 10:52 pm, 03/09/2010

GT After this weekend I'm free any weekend u are for the game. Just let me know.

ron white

Posted 9:19 pm, 03/09/2010

good one GT,not crying though,unc has to let someone win sometimes,just to keep everyone happy.


Posted 9:17 pm, 03/09/2010

GT, obviously you've been listening to a different tune than my "broken record" has been playing.  I've been saying how terrible UNC is for quite a while now, including my last post.  Carolina did play like a bunch of middle schoolers at Cameron.  Dook has 3 consistent scorers this year that the other ACC teams don't have.  I just don't think the best in the ACC this year is good enough to make it all that far in the NCAA this season.  If they do, more power to them.  Dook does have weaknesses that "dominating" teams don't get far with.  Dook earned bragging rights this year.  Good for you.  Carolina will be back when we can get a real point guard in and a consistent scorer.  In my opinion, we instantly get better when Ginyard and Thompson go away.  If consistently giving honest observations on both sides is a "miserable person" then I'll accept that moniker.  My family and I put a lot of money into UNC-Chapel Hill over the years.  I'm a graduate of Carolina.  I'll always pull for them over Dook.  By the way, what year did you graduate from Dook U?


Posted 9:14 pm, 03/09/2010

ron must be another crybaby tar hole fan... boooo hoooo!!!! LMAO

ron white

Posted 8:31 pm, 03/09/2010

What does jay bilas know,he couldn't hold his own jock strap in the nba,of course he said that about duke,that was his school.


Posted 7:42 pm, 03/09/2010

Yeah it does Local... NOT!!!! You are a miserable person who gets on here to dog Duke because thy b*&ch slapped your team the tar holes at Cameron!!! All you wanna do is say the same BS over and over, your like a broken record!!! Please STFU and bash your on team for being a bunch of douchers in a weak confrence as you like to say so much!! Jay Bilas said Duke has played more teams in the top 50 than any other college team!! Sorry but Duke didn't schedule CoC and lose like your tar holes did!!!


Posted 8:12 am, 03/09/2010

Dook's tough schedule every year comes from ACC play. Their out of conference schedule is laughable. With a weak conference this year, their schedule is mediocre at best. They lost to the best 2 teams they played - Wisconsin and Georgetown. Connecticut lost a bunch of games and Arizona State plays in a conference weaker than the ACC. Just who do you claim Dook played this year? K pads his seniors' and scorers' stats against cupcakes every year. Look at how many minutes he plays his top 3 against just anybody - that's why they die out early in NCAA Tourney play lately - exhaustion. One of them has a bad day and it's over for Dook many years. This year looks like it could be more of the same. The difference is that the ACC was bad, yet they still had to battle in the games because of their 3 on 5 mentality. They will suffer when they play someone with 2 big men and a good point guard. When Maryland plays consistently, they are a much better overall team than Dook. Dook may make the Sweet 16 with a good draw, but I can't see them going any farther than that unless there are some major upsets in the first 2 rounds that get rid of the better teams. All tournaments should be fun to watch this year. UNC was terrible this year, so I can watch without any pressure on any game. My brackets will have a bunch of underdogs moving on, and that sounds like some fun.


Posted 8:08 am, 03/09/2010

i'd wait and see if Duke at least wins the acc title before I put my headdress on chief... until then it's pointless to comment.. we will see how it goes... when UNC and Duke both had talent Duke fell short time after time..


Posted 7:52 am, 03/09/2010

Hide and watch


Posted 12:22 am, 03/09/2010

yanksheels u r and ediot if u think duke is going to lose before the sweet 16 i guess your just like your little black buddy hubbert davis unc is going to beat duke tonight lmfao we saw how that went... unc was the most overrated team this year how long did they stay in the top 25 ???? please never call duke that ever again atleast we win 25-30 games every year even if a down year we are more consistent... and who always has the one of the toughest schdules year end and year out yea thats right DUKE not unc... i think if i was a caowina fan i would not say anything else this year yall look sucky and stupid enough how it is...


Posted 6:21 pm, 03/07/2010

WoW... YOU BEAT A BUNCH OF ROOKIES.. Sure didn't have nothing for the CHAMPS last year now did yea. Carolina return the favor next year just wait and see..


Posted 2:55 pm, 03/07/2010

"Enough said" is correct.

What humours me is that IF this was anybody but carolina no1 would even say anything about Duke blowing out a team thats the bottom dweller in the acc..Did you honestly exspect any different?

It has been a tough year watching the Tarheels, but it has somewhat been made less difficult in being able to watch great battles between the teams from the Big East and Big 12. Being able to watch good basketball elsewhere helps put it out of your mind some, for me anyways.

I'm hoping that we dont make the NIT, lets get this year over with and begin to look towards a better year with some new additons. I made my 30 second goodbye message to Ginyard and Thompson last night in an upset rage, and l wish them all the best :]

How many teams are gonna make it from the ACC this year do you think?

I'm not certain who the most dangerous team is right now, as Maryland is a team some1 could take lighter than duke and get blown out in a heartbeat.

Anyone else waiting to see if Coach K's routine during the regular season works out for them come NCAA time?Im thinking if one of the big 3 have an off night they are out early, if they all 3 have enough left in the tank they could make the sweet 16, although I dont see it happening.


Posted 11:06 am, 03/07/2010

82-52, enough said!!!! GO DUKE!!!! If they could just play like they do at home on the road they could take the National Title!!!! To me though they just look unbeatable at home and they proved that this year going undefeated.. Good luck in the ACC Tournament, I still think they have to win atleast 2 more games to be a number 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament. GO Blue Devils!!!!


Posted 9:38 am, 03/07/2010

Im a TARHEEL fan forever, win or lose. You DUKE fan's are losers, you brag about a easy win, heck WILKES CENTRAL can beat CAROLINA as of right now. We will be back, hide and watch.


Posted 8:29 am, 03/07/2010

same place your team will be in a couple of weeks at the **** house... they will be lucky to beat V-Tech or Maryland in ACC tourney.. 2 and done in NCAA.. for sure.. my team took it to the house last year and hung a banner up that says National champs... lets see what Duke hangs up after season besides a split w/ Maryland and a pair of stinking hi-tops... for real..


Posted 1:37 am, 03/07/2010

I'm a Tarheel for life no matter how great or how bad the team is but this years team is hard to stomach. Once Duke jumped out early hitting some early 3's and got the Heels down , the team just gave up. They never thought they could come into Cameron and win and once they fell behind if was over. All year long some of us have said that this teams main problem is it's lack of leadership and heart and it never showed more than tonight.

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