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Duke or UNC


Posted 7:51 pm, 02/08/2010

All quiet on this thread today? Could someone give a score of the tarholes vs Maryland game? I think the sports channels where lying when they said Maryland won 91 - 72!!! Someone please leave the real score for the love of God...


Posted 5:35 pm, 02/05/2010

Well we can agree on one thing. Neither of us likes Obama but i did watch the same and I don't think Obama being there had anything at all to do with how the game was called. Duke was called for 28 fouls to Georgetowns 22 but Georgetown was continually driving the ball down low while Duke was throwing up 29 3's. When 29 of the 61 shot you take in the game are 3's you're not going to get alot of fouls called when you constantly play on the outside. Duke was simply beaten by a better team from a better conference and there is no shame in that but it's silly to wanna blame race.


Posted 5:12 pm, 02/05/2010

i by no means am racist. It doesn't matter to me what color our President is. If he had the same beliefs that I have then I would have voted for him. But I am not a democrat nor am I a muslim like he is! His preacher once said GD the white man and he bows down to arabic countries which is something I'm not about!! I could go on and on about why i don't like him but this a basketball thread. I am stating a FACT as you like to say, that him being at the game played a big influence on how the game was called. You didn't have to be a Duke fan to see that! Singler never fouls out of a game, and once they got him in foul trouble the game was over! You are the one who knows nothing about the game of basketball, all you have once again is "excuses" and its really getting old!


Posted 4:46 pm, 02/05/2010

I'm by no means an Obama man and did not vote for him but you continue to show that you're a racist by playing the "race card" as an excuse for the Dookies beat down. What a joke!! And i was not bashing the ACC just stating a fact. If you know anything at all about basketball which it's obvious that you don't, you can see that the league as a whole is down. Saying that it also shows how bad the Heels are playing or it would be even worse for us this year. As far a being a young team goes, yes Kentucky is young but the difference is with UNC the biggest issue is PG play and leadership and Kentucky has the best point guard in the country who just happens to be a freshman. Regardless I'm a Heels fan if they're having another championship year or if they're rebuilding like this year.


Posted 3:55 pm, 02/05/2010

Your just as bad as obama bringing up the past boss. Your team sucks arse so you deal with it by bashing all of the ACC as a whole cause your tarholes suck! I know obama isnt a G-town man you idiot, it was about G-town mainly beaing black players with a black head coach! Duke yesterday would've killed G-town with the way they was playing. The 2 players that got in foul trouble for GT wasn't Duke's fault, didn't you see all the flagrant foul calls GT had in the game? They got beat down and took out their thuggish ways on the white boys of Duke! And I will enjoy this year, you better believe it and the best part will be when carowina isn't in the NCAA tourney! I know one things for sure I don't see as much tarhole gear on their fans like I did last year, LMAO well if I was a tarhole fan this year I wouldn't tell anyone either!! 3rd from last in the ACC this year and not even ranked as bad as you say the ACC is sure isn't much to cheer about is it boss? HAHAHAHA you tarhole fans are so pathetis. You have all the excuses just like your president obama does, blame Bush all the time and ya'll blame the young players when Kentucky is basically a young team and look where they are at... So SAD!!!


Posted 1:19 pm, 02/05/2010

You need to get off the Obama thing. Obama is not a Georgetown man and race played no factor in the beat down the Hoyas gave Dook. And yes i saw the Duke game last night and i saw the refs put GT's two best players on the bench for the majority of the game. There is no doubt that this year Duke's better than UNC. UNC is young and inexperienced with no PG. Duke may be the best team in the ACC this year but as down as the league is that isnt a huge accomplishment. I see no team including the Dookies going past the Sweet 16 this year. Live it up while u can but also remember who has 2 National Titles in the last 5 years.


Posted 12:57 pm, 02/05/2010

Aight bosshogg, where you at once again? I hope you watched the Duke game, if you did you seen what I was talking about when I said obama helped G-town in that win last saturday! That was total domination the Duke way! If Duke plays like that they can beat anybody in the country. On the other hand the tarhole game was a total joke once again. Roy Williams looked like he was coaching an elementary team. The tarholes have lost complete control of their gameplan and are now in desperation mode! They look completly outta sink and will be very lucky when it comes to making the NCAA tournament unless they some how win the ACC tournament! Local I cant wait to see what you have to say about both games, but I'm sure you will find something to bash Duke over even though the game last night was a blow out!

Bud Lt

Posted 9:18 pm, 02/04/2010

Good revenge win for Duke tonight they beat the jackets by 19


Posted 4:52 pm, 02/02/2010

Local I wasn't necessarily referring to you


Posted 4:37 pm, 02/02/2010

TARHEELS of course beause duke is puke and wake is fake the team i hate is NC state can't go to heaven in a red canoe because GODS favorite color is carolina BLUE .

Dont be a hater love carolina forever

Sporting Guy

Posted 3:33 pm, 02/02/2010

Best post you've had that I've read in this entire thread. You talked common sense.

I first mentioned to you over a month ago UNC deficiencies and most UNC fans pushed it to the side, that was back when UNC was rolling.

I agreed with everything you said there my friend.

I'm afaid the days off the ACC being the premier conference are gone, sure they'll regroup and be the best from time to time but the Big East is #1 and going to stay #1 for the foreseeable future.

Purnell is doing a nice job at CU, but they have peaked.

Hamilton has carried FSU as far as he can.

MD is MD, will never challenge for another National title again under GW.

NCSU is NCSU, they won't join the upper echelon until RW or MK or both have retired.

WFU will continue to decline as long as Gaudio is there.

Derrick Favors saved Hewitt's job, he'll jump right back on the hot seat next season.

Haith will be gone after this season but Miami will never be a consistent bb school.

Bennett will get UVA to the top helf of the conference and quick.

VT is VT.

Al Skinner is top 3 coach in the conference but players won't go to BC.

Duke has as many, but different problems as UNC and probably won't seriously contend for a National title anytime soon.

Did I leave anyone out?

I've followed college basketball since the days of the old Southern Conference and its ad medicore as its ever been, I said EVER, IMO.


Posted 3:12 pm, 02/02/2010

I definitely don't assume I know more than any coach. They have the job for a reason. I'm also not assuming anyone likes UNC or Duke by what's being said. My point was that I was applying someone's comments onto another team's situation to show that the comments really don't hold a lot of water. It's crazy to say that Roy Williams (or Coach K) are not good coaches because they have a down year. And of course, the team with the best players during the course of a season are going to make that coach look like a genius. Prior to the 2000's you could get away more with having a weaker bench or a starter or two. In today's game, there is so much talent spread out all over the country that weaknesses get exploited more often. I do think that K and Roy are sticking with what they know too much right now, but occasionally you just have to keep the comfort zone, hope that your players will respond and adapt, and just plain use some trial and error. When it works, everyone applauds you and gives you awards; when it doesn't, people are quick to pile on the coach. I'm not going to pretend that I know everything about every team across the country. Even the people that get paid to do that sort of thing don't know everything. That's one of the reasons UNC was ranked too highly preseason. There's no way anyone should have predicted that they would be a top 5 team with the young, unproven players they have, especially without a proven point guard. The guys they have can still get it done, but they just seem unmotivated to do it and there's not a single player on the court that heads them in that direction. Graves wants the ball, but I don't see other players that want it enough to stay in front of the dang ball on either side of the court. Graves is not some awesome talent, but I give him the only passing grade for effort on UNC's team. Davis is getting a bunch of rebounds simply because UNC is missing so many shots, not because he is playing a technically great game. None of those guys are paying attention. When you have a bunch of unmotivated players, it's doggone hard for any coach to do much nowadays. In the old days, perhaps throwing them up against a wall or throwing balls at their heads worked (like Press Maravich used to do - I witnessed him do it to middle school kids at basketball camps I used to go to). They didn't get lawsuits back then and not as many kids quit on you as they do now.


Posted 2:44 pm, 02/02/2010

I'm always amused how so many people on gowilkes think they have a better basketball IQ than the men who have done it for a living at the highest level for 20+ years

Sporting Guy

Posted 2:44 pm, 02/02/2010

I only broke down UNC because of the BS I've read on this board and this thread, not because I'm a UNC or a Duke fan.

I'm not a fan of either, I love the college game though.

Like I said, UNC has major problems but so do a lot of teams. I'll gladly break down any team in the country for you and what I think are their problems upon your request since for some reason you're assuming I'm a Duke fan, or so it seems.

Ask me questions since you're think skinned on the UNC talk, I won't hurt your feelings with the truth anymore.


Posted 1:57 pm, 02/02/2010

Obviously my last sentence should have said, "But you can't say that both of those guys aren't among the best in history up to this point." Typo of the computero.


Posted 1:54 pm, 02/02/2010

By your definition, Coach K is overrated also. He's never taken a team that didn't have a dominant PG all the way either, and he hasn't gotten close in nearly a decade. Every coach looks better when they have the best talent. You also have to judge a college coach by how they recruit. The fact remains that Roy Williams is one of the best recruiters in the country (for his entire career). Also it seems, by your definition, the only great coaches are the ones who took marginal teams to upset National Championships. That would make coaches like Valvano and Roy Massimino the best that ever coached, while coaches like Dean Smith and Bobby Knight also-rans. I question the BB IQ of people that make comments like that too. Every coach needs a leader-type point guard to make his system work on the floor. UNC doesn't have that - they may have one coming in next year. Who knows until the players prove themselves? When is the last time Duke did anything other than win an ACC Tourney against injured teams? TImes are changing with the talent in college ball. I've said many times on here that Roy and K are both falling behind in the systems they insist on teaching. But you can't say that both of those guys are among the best in history up to this point.


Posted 1:37 pm, 02/02/2010

Yes, UNC is definitely not good this year, but the Georgetown game showed 2 things. One, Georgetown is a great young team, that has just about everyone returning next year for probably even better results. Two, Duke's weaknesses against playing several big games in a row against aggressive big teams was definitely shown to be a problem for them. If one of the two S's are not firing on every cylinder, they will have a difficult time winning in the NCAA tourney. As usual, K is wearing his primary scorers out early for them to get their numbers and for Duke to get the easier early W's. They will live and die by that 3-pointer-only mentality. I just don't see the ACC sending any team past the Sweet 16 this year.

sporting guy

Posted 1:27 pm, 02/02/2010

I first stated this more than a month ago and the more everyone watches and denies that UNC has major problems, the more I question one\'s BB IQ.

UNC has major problens, and they not only won\'t be very good this season, but hey will not win the National Championship next season as many were predicting as early as last season.

Roy Williams is not among the best coaches in America, he can coach great when he has the fastest PG and a great big man.

Thats the only times he has done outstanding, check it out, it all can be found right here on the internet.

Sure he\'s won 2 NC\'s and they can\'t be taken away and they speak volumes, but there\'s many coaches who could have coached those 2 teams to lofty records and probably NC\"s.

Tyler Hansbrough, Sean May, Ray Felton, and Ty Lawson are not walking through that door people.

UNC will never see the like of Hansbrough and Lawson on the same team again, never. They may have a C and a PG as good, but never at once again.

It was a nice NC run, 2 of 5, thats great and I hope you all enjoyed it.

UNC will always be good, because they are UNC, but that type run is over, hope you enjoyed it.


Posted 10:48 pm, 02/01/2010

I make no excuses for UNC this year. They're a young team thats just not very good this year plan and simple. You kept saying you was trying to make this point and that but if u go back and read your post you never said any of that. All you wanted to do was cry about the refs and for some reason blame Obama who is not a Georgetown man so makes no sense whatsoever. If anything the only one of Obamas guys with any ties to either team would be his little side kick Reggie "Tea Bag" Love.


Posted 2:45 pm, 02/01/2010

Ok ballshogg, where are you at?? Let me guess crying over another home loss to an unranked Virginia team who bashed the tarholes last night?? Ahhhh boooo hoooo!! Your team is sucking balls so why don't you admit it? Atleast Duke lost to the number 7 team in the country, at their place and a team that could easily make the final 4. When was the last time Virginia was ranked ballshogg? Do you see what happens when you run your big mouth about another team that you don't like losing, then your team gets beat even worse AT HOME to a team that most the time don't even make the NIT tournament!!! The point I made WAS ballshogg, that Duke had just played FSU wednesday night and WON at HOME, when Gtown hadn't played since MONDAY!!!! HELLO I know your a tarhole fan but please don't be that stupid. And the race card is true, very true! obama being at the game influencedthe refs to call it in their favor, just like obama trys to tell us that the economy is doing better and people now more than ever have jobs, which we all know isn't true!! Wake your liberal arse up and smell the coffee doucher!!

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