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Duke or UNC


Posted 8:44 pm, 10/07/2011

Yes, and it's a waste of space with a post on a forum like GoWilkes. Just don't read it if your eyes can't handle it.


Posted 8:24 pm, 10/07/2011

LMAO...have you ever heard tell of a paragraph?


Posted 8:06 pm, 10/07/2011

First hand. I was around him a lot throughout the 80s and early 90s. I also had friends on campus at Duke while I was at UNC. The Dook student newspaper couldn't stand him at the time, because Coach K had several blowouts with them when they printed the truth about some things or said anything negative about him.. It backfired on him because the reporters printed his words shortly afterwards. Supposedly there were audiotapes of his locker room meetings with them where he used a few choice words. I've never heard it, but I once saw a transcript. I don't remember the details but I do know the students present were teenagers and didn't much care for a grown man who was supposed to be respected saying some of the things he said. I used to sit close to the benches at a lot of games and couldn't believe some of the things K would say to his players and the refs. There were a few refs back in those days who absolutely made calls in K's favor just because they didn't want to be confronted by him. I always wondered what his family thought of the way he talked during games. Usually they were very near the team. I was around Lefty a lot over the years too, and he was nothing compared to K. Roy definitely can have a mouth on him too, but he normally explodes with his players in the halftime locker room. K has absolutely been a great coach in his career; I just don't care for him personally because of what I've witnessed over the years. A lot of the marquee players and assistants (still on the bench) he's had over the years are chumps and rear ends I believe because of the way K acts. There are a few I respect and who did not fall in line with his way. The media has placed K on a pedestal over the years, some deserved (he's done some good things), but many of the bad things have been swept under a rug. For the record, I liked Dean, but I know he had a pretty bad drinking problem. In the end Dean failed to evolve with the game beyond the early 80's and left at a good time. Roy is finally getting some athletes which can allow him to get away from Dean's system. In recent years, K's coaching has been much poorer. Only the heart and desire of a couple players (which are now gone) have kept him above mediocrity. If some of his prized recruits don't have the heart of those players, they may struggle at Dook for a couple years. On paper, they may be a top 5 or 10 team, but I'm just not sure they are finishers liked they've had in the past. If they prove me wrong, I'll be the first to admit it. Again, I'm a realist and I'm not a 100% fan of Roy Williams. I dislike his substitution patterns that he forces constantly; it kills chemistry in today's game. I think he has enough talent now that they can overcome some of his coaching mistakes. Talent and chemistry on the court make coaches legends sometimes. None of these guys these days are legends without talent. The new ACC seems like a power, but what will happen is what's happened in the Big East. They'll be considered the best conference with lots of postseason teams, but they will beat each other down so much during the season that they won't survive the tourneys. I'll take the old 8 team conference with Big 4 rivalries any day. Football leads to watered down basketball.


Posted 6:12 pm, 10/07/2011



Posted 4:35 pm, 10/07/2011


mustang gt

Posted 12:14 am, 10/07/2011

good coach, till he sees he going to have a bad season. then he QUITS ON HIS TEAM, like he did in 1995. halfway though the season, the blames his asst. coach -- pete gadit, for the bad season. the ncaa takes all the losses off coach k, record.then gives him all the wins from the season, even gives him all his asst. coach gadit wins he earn. then gives all the losses to coach gadit, even the ones coach k loss, that year before he quit that season. then helps get COACH GADIT FIRED. yea, real class guy and coach there.


Posted 5:14 pm, 10/06/2011

Prank, you're right. Local?

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 4:02 am, 10/06/2011

Bud... I think you meant to ask that to LocalSportsFan.

I have nothing but respect for Coach K.


Posted 8:27 pm, 10/05/2011

I have seen Coach K in action and he is a good Coach. Go Duke!!!!


Posted 7:11 pm, 10/05/2011

Coach K is a great coach and he plays a good act in public, but he is a spoiled little beech to be around

Prank, have you experienced this first hand or is this just hear say? The spoiled little beech part.


Posted 8:08 am, 10/05/2011

Bobby Knight can take credit for his own antics. I remember Bobby only wearing red over the years, never blue.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 2:03 am, 10/05/2011

Coach K is a great coach and he plays a good act in public, but he is a spoiled little beech to be around. He learned from the best at that - Bobby Knight, his mentor.

Who learned it from Dean Smith.

mustang gt

Posted 12:22 am, 10/04/2011



Posted 8:25 pm, 10/03/2011

Carolina all the way...baby


Posted 9:20 pm, 08/18/2011

Go Duke!!!!


Posted 10:27 am, 08/18/2011

What do Singler and Hansbrough have to do with this year's teams? If you want to talk about beauties on the court though, Christian Laetner is the biggest *** in the history of basketball. And then there's Danny Ferry (faerie?) about the same. Ever listen to Coach K and Chris Collins on the bench? You would probably learn a few words from them. Coach K once called the editors of the Duke student paper into his office and cussed them out (students). Don't think he counted much on the students printing a story about it the next day. Coach K is a great coach and he plays a good act in public, but he is a spoiled little beech to be around. He learned from the best at that - Bobby Knight, his mentor.


Posted 9:30 am, 08/18/2011

Carolina has a great basket ball team. But I am sorry to say that Duke is there toughest competitor. Duke with coach K is an awesome team and Carolina fans should respect that. Kyle Singler is a great player and role model for kids. Carolina players are just not measuring up to expectations with players like Hansboro who curse on the court.


Posted 9:58 pm, 08/15/2011

It is funny how Wolfpack, the Duke basketball fan, is asking where the Carolina football fans are, when you could ask the EXACT same thing of the "crowds" at Wallace Wade over the last, oh...when did they play a Rose Bowl there, 1942?....70 years.  


Posted 4:37 pm, 08/15/2011

Tastes great!


Posted 4:36 pm, 08/15/2011

Less Filling!

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