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Duke or UNC


Posted 11:26 pm, 02/22/2008

Make that "This IS old news". Grrr regrets the error...and the fact that Duke doesn't play their natural, in-state rivals, Seton Hall and/or Rutgers.


Posted 11:25 pm, 02/22/2008

Bud: Packer went to Clemson on a golf scholarship. He also happens to be Son of Billy, so he has a sweet spot for what he calls "The Swiss", ie, the neutral party of the big 4, Wake Forest.

Bud, Part 2: I'm not talking about the ROSTER; I'm talking about the STUDENT BODY. As I've stated before, if you could only have players from the state that the university is located within, then UCLA would have a few more than 11 titles. Duke and Carolina combined would have...1, maybe (Carolina's '82 team that featured Worth and Jordan). State would have 1 (1974). That'd be about it. I know you don't like to hear it, but...Duke draws a large portion of their student body from New Jersey.

Trust me, this isn't OLD news.


Posted 9:46 pm, 02/22/2008

That's total stupidity just like most of your post Duke's roster of thirteen players consists of one from NY and two from NJ of which only two are starters, Paulus and Thomas. I just went to the WFNZ web site and what did I see? At the top of the page MLB, NFL,49ers, UNC, Bobcats, ESPN , NCAA!! Give me a break. Do you think they and him ( Packer) might be a little biased!! Where's the Duke logo?? And as far as that goes how about State and Wake. Why just unc??


Posted 8:53 pm, 02/21/2008

Um, Duke beating the Johnnies is the stone cold, cinch lock of the century. Today, Mark Packer of WFNZ was asked by a caller "Why does Duke keep up this series with St. John's? They (SJU) haven't been releveant in 25 years?"

Packer's reply: "It's a natural rivalry; New York vs. New Jersey". Brought the house DOWN.


Posted 7:26 pm, 02/21/2008

I just talked to Mike and he said there's no doubt Duke will get a win on Saturday against the Red Storm. And he also said they will win the next five games to finish out the regular season before the ACC tournament.


Posted 4:28 pm, 02/19/2008

Bud, you are missing the point. You've already abandoned one team; when K-Rat retires/dies, you'll abandon Duke. We, the magnanomous college hoops fans of GoWilkes are only trying to help you find your next team.


Posted 4:15 pm, 02/19/2008

WRONG!!! I dont give a dam about Wake all I said is they played a heck of a game!! Apparently your missing the point.


Posted 9:09 pm, 02/18/2008

That's fine Bud; but you are missing the point: You are a fair weather friend, and just as soon as K-Rat retires and the legion of greatness that IS his coaching tr...umm, shrub (oy vey, that IS a horrible, awful, shi-acular group of disciples) takes over, trust me, you'll be latching onto the first, next best ABC team that you can find. And, I'll give you this; right now, Dino looks like to be a really good GAME coach. And he has great recruits coming in.

But that's the rub with Dino; we don't know if he can recruit on a constant basis. If you are going to be a great college coach, you have to be able to sell in the living room and coach on the court. Frankly, the only exception to this rule is Gary Williams, who recruits horribly, but is the best game coach in the nation...and somehow, makes it work. I mean, Coach D'oh! could recruit like crazy, but he was, after Bob Wade, the worst game coach in the entire history of the ACC. But, I digress.


Posted 8:34 pm, 02/18/2008

You can bet your *** that I would wear tie-dye before Carolina Blue!!


Posted 3:39 pm, 02/18/2008

Grrr Give BUD another year or two when all the good recruits that Prosser had will be at Wake along with the good young talent they already have and he might be in the TieDye Nation even quicker than that.

As for Connie, If you chose to only watch Duke with your blinders on and not keep up with what is happening with any other team that is completely fine. All we true college basketball fans ask of you is to not give your stupid opinions when you have no idea what you're talking about. UNC is in a situation right now where both of the normal point guards are out. Is it an excuse or reality that a problem like that effects a teams play. Look at the Tarheels turnovers per game with Lawson vs without. Like it or not Dookies the guy is very good and playing without him does make a difference. What if your team lost Smith and Paulus at the same time? Do you not think it would make a difference in how the team as a whole played?


Posted 1:08 pm, 02/18/2008

That's entirely true. Greg Little is one of my favorite Heels, and where's he from? Durham! Now there's a cat who knows what's going on!


Posted 1:01 pm, 02/18/2008

Outside of the confines of campus though, Heelyeah, there are only 12 Duke fans IN Durham.


Posted 12:42 pm, 02/18/2008

lol..then he (Bud Lt) should get on the Wake train early...it's not too soon to defect for next year, when Wake could be one of the top 3 teams.

I'll give DougieFresh this, he's at least a *consistent* Wake fan. Of course, I have to throw Ohio State in there, too, and that sort of weakens one's alliance with, and allegiance to, any particular team.

And Connie is a self-professed dookie. Even when not in Duram, she does as the dookies do!


Posted 11:36 am, 02/18/2008

(Bud's congratulates Wake while studying for his future "favorite" team; once K-Rat retires, he'll be part of tie-dye nation!)


Posted 11:27 am, 02/18/2008



Posted 11:14 am, 02/18/2008

Sigh. Connie illustrates perfectly why I've come to loathe and deteste Dookies above all others. Many (not all) of the Carolina fans that I know are sort of like me; they love college hoops, and while they'd watch Carolina play Coastal Carolina in a best of 99 matchup and love every game, they also understand the nuances of the GAME, and find much interest in a Drake-Butler game in late February.

Most (not all) Duke fans, on the other hand, have drunk some Kool-Aid that makes them honestly believe the only team in the known universe is Duke. No other team matters, nothing that happens to other team matters, the world is a floor slapping, flopping, three point chucking, cheat sheet weilding crowd, profanity spewing coach, men's Blue Devil wearing a blue dress of a good time. Memphis-Tennessee, #1 v. #3 on a late February afternoon? Who cares!!! They aren't Duke; they suck!, right? The typical Dookie honestly believes no NCAA tournaments were held prior to 1991, and none have taken place since 2001. They don't think Dike Vitale is all that bad (even though Lute Olsen, in ARIZONA, even refers to him as "Dookie V"). They don't realize this new "centerless" offense is not a creation of K-Rat, but was stolen, verbatim, from US National Team assistant coach Mike D'antoni, of the Phoenix Suns. And they really have no clue that, Carolina and Duke aside, the ACC is mediocre at best this season...thus Duke has (almost) gotten away with no interior, and Carolina has somehow only lost once without their top 2 point guards. Finally, they don't understand that being able to slap the floor doesn't really make you a good defender; it just annoys the **** out of everyone else in America.

Connie, you can't equate basketball with racing. You most assuredly can't equate knowing who is injured, what that injury might mean for a team, and how it effects upcoming games with "pulling for Tony but...buying Junior stuff." How the heck does that equate? It's ACC basketball; even a lay fan, such as yourself, should have a working understanding of the GOOD players that inhabit the rosters of your most intense rivals. Besides, it isn't like you didn't watch Doook-UNC games last year; I would imagine the memory of Lawson, Frasor, Thomas, et all MIGHT have stuck with you...I mean, Jesus. Let me put it in Dook terms: Lawson plays sort of like Jason Williams...Frasor is more of a...(note here to UNC fans: I can't think of a better analogy, and I would never in a million years ACTUALLY say this, because this guy sucks and I hate him more than any Dookie EVER) Wojo type...and Quentin Thomas is...Jay Heap. See the problem there? One is an All American...the other, a servicable guy who can run the offense but isn't quite as good, and the third? Well, if he's on the court, you got some problems. On top of that, you poke fun at a guy who OWNED Duke inside, and has for the past 2+ season, Tyler Hansborough. Have class, give props when due, and move on.

But that's the typical Wilkes Dookie for you. They don't understand the game, they couldn't get into Duke if James B. Duke himself came out of the grave and begged to let them in, they have as much class as a certain ref baiting-student newspaper ripping coach, and they don't realize that the city of Durham is the groin of America (not the campus itself; I'll give UNJ-D props on having a lovely little campus...a little 12th century...but still). Not ALL Dook fans, but most. Especially here. Sigh, but I guess if I truly want intelligent discourse with a Dookie, I'll have to slog over to DBR, where they are almost as delusional, but at least they know who David Thompson was.


Posted 10:30 am, 02/18/2008

lol...I should have slapped it. Had my sewing in my lap and worried I'd end up sticking myself with a needle.

My point is I don't understand placing the blame of a loss on any one persons shoulders(unless they made shots for the other team). You play as a team, you loose as a team. All the unc fans I work with hyped that game between unc/Duke for weeks in advance...and yet their excuse for the loss was "Lawson"...you can't blame a loss on a player who didn't even get to play...


Posted 9:42 am, 02/18/2008

You were conspicuously absent last night, connie. Nothing like a few hours to take the sting of disappointment out of a loss, eh?

In the second half of your post, you're making all the excuses in the world for dook's poor play (eg - like dook didn't care, couldn't buy a shot, some of the stupidest fouls, wasn't like Wake played 200%, etc.). In contradicting yourself, learn the difference between excuses and reasons.

You're making excuses. Tywon Lawson, the All-American point guard being out for Carolina, is a legitimate reason for Carolina's struggles. It's tangible. Do you listen at all to the sports analysts, who are paid lots of money for their input, or just operate in that space vacuum known as "Connie's World?" Even the most ardent and obstinate Carolina detractors are aware of the importance of how Lawson's injury affects that team. You don't have to "follow" Carolina to get it, try watching Sports Center. Following your team of choice doesn't mean you have to make uniformed, ignorant 'homer" statements.

Wake may not have played at 200%, but hello! SCOREBOARD. They outplayed dook in every aspect of that game, and krychokeski wasn't able to intimidate the refs into calling the phantom fouls that dook needs to be successful. Wake demonstrated how to dismantle the three-point chuck fest dook paper tiger, and you better believe that other teams are taking notes. The final exam will play out in March, because without any semblance of an inside game, there will be no April for dook.

If all else fails,connie, just slap your hands against your floor a little harder!


Posted 9:10 am, 02/18/2008

Well, I am a devout Duke fan and have no need to watch "other" teams. To me that'd be like pulling for Tony Stewart yet watching and buying all the Jr. shows and articles...it's ok to commit yourself to one team. Regardless of what others may say...

Plus, I came here to take my medicine like a big girl. I don't have to hide behind "oh, so and so was hurt. but you'd best bet if he wasn't we'd have licked them good."...nah...no point in hiding the fact Duke played awful last night.

And it wasn't even that WF played 200% Great...the first half was what everyone expected. The second half it was like Duke just didn't care. They couldn't buy a shot. Some of the dumbest fouls I have ever seen them do. And for all 5 starters to foul out?!...I just don't get it. I have to give kudos to Wake for playing a good, fair game. I can only hope that Duke takes a good look at what they didn't do last night and put their game face back on for Miami Wednesday.


Posted 12:21 am, 02/18/2008

Hhaha, BRG, I'd take AA over either of those two stiffs.

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