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Duke or UNC


Posted 11:16 pm, 02/09/2011

LoL anyone call the paramedics for UNC's CHOKE JOB!!!! hahaha you flunkies i cant wait for the Roy Williams post game. I wonder whos gonna piss off after this game or cuss at his fans?


Posted 11:16 pm, 02/09/2011

Obviously i hated to see the Heels blow the lead but any real basketball fan never "expected" the Heels to win in Cameron. Cant wait til the rematch in Chapel Hill. Should be a good one again!!

Razor Ramone

Posted 11:14 pm, 02/09/2011

Good game, good come back. Doesn't get much better than that.


Posted 11:12 pm, 02/09/2011

No answer for Smith for the entire game and Curry in the 2nd half. UNC let this one get away but nevertheless they showed they're a much improved and lot more mature team . I believe the Heels will get em back at the Dean Dome. Good game atleast.


Posted 11:12 pm, 02/09/2011

Duke wins....no big surprise.

LOL.... the tarholes did give it their all.

Razor Ramone

Posted 10:08 pm, 02/09/2011

They need Irving back in a bad way. Proving that tonight. doesn't look good right now for us faithful Duke fans. Shooting way to many 3's and not driving the ball inside. Sloppy offense leads to way to many points for unc


Posted 9:59 pm, 02/09/2011

Arent you Dookies always the ones that wanna say dont live in the past???? So stop living in the past GTPROBE. Tonites the game that matters now!


Posted 9:59 pm, 02/09/2011

First half looked good for the Heels. I hope they keep it up

Razor Ramone

Posted 9:56 pm, 02/09/2011

I told you, idk who probe is u puss. I'll meet you anywhere to prove it. Either man up or shut up. The game doesn't look good but 82-50 was the score last year. No way unc beats Duke that bad lmao


Posted 9:49 pm, 02/09/2011

BTW GTPROBE Hows your Dookies looking so far????


Posted 9:48 pm, 02/09/2011

LOL You call me a punk?? You changed your name to hide! So who's the punk?

Razor Ramone

Posted 9:42 pm, 02/09/2011

like i thought ur a vag with excuses. a true punk


Posted 9:36 pm, 02/09/2011

Probe I like the ladies so no i dont wanna come over

Razor Ramone

Posted 9:34 pm, 02/09/2011

Come on over anytime boss, want directions? Or do you have an excuse?


Posted 9:32 pm, 02/09/2011

And sure you can go to your parents since u probably live with mommy and daddy


Posted 9:30 pm, 02/09/2011

Just going on what u said earlier PROBE

Razor Ramone

Posted 9:27 pm, 02/09/2011

boss, I was at my parents and the game was on. Is it ok if I go to my parents? Or do I need to ask for ur permission first? Sorry daddy you bast ard.


Posted 9:19 pm, 02/09/2011

Razor aka GTPROBE How can you say Zeller was holding on rebounds and that Barnes got away with walks??? You said yourself in and earlier post that you never watch UNC unless they're playing Dook so how can you give an opinion on any UNC game except the 2 played with Dook each year

Razor Ramone

Posted 7:35 pm, 02/09/2011

I think tonight's game will be alot closer than the 32 point thrashing Duke gave them last year at Cameron. That being said, it could also go against Duke because unc nor any other team forgets a defeat like that. Local thinks Smith is the only player Duke has so unc should be able to shut him down with ease since unc all of the sudden has an ALL-STAR lineup. Surely to God 5 on 1 would go unc's way. Either way win or lose I'll back Duke 100%. unc has played alot better the last few games and Duke slapped NC State around this past weekend despite Local saying they have struggled I don't know where he gets his info from but the scores have proven themselves haven't they Local? I will say this, watch for Zeller to hold on rebounds like he did against FL State which got him into foul trouble early, also Barnes got by with alot of traveling calls which works in the NBA but not in College or atleast its not suppose to. Guess we will find out later on tonight. Go Duke!


Posted 5:38 pm, 02/09/2011

I was very suprised when the line came out at +10, I jumped on it.

Shutting down Nolan Smith would be huge, as he is the pulse of duke but I don't think that will happen. I do hope we can contain him though. If we can effectively guard the perimiter, then we can win this game. Forcing them to drive instead of shooting wide open outside shots, will work in our favor.

I think the biggest key to tonight is Roy. The fans might creep into the heads of our younger players, and if Roy can keep their minds in it, and use his timeouts to effectively calm the guys down if we do get down, or duke goes on a run..we will be there at the end of the game.

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