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What is one of the best things your mother cooked when you were younger ? Your fave !!!


Posted 9:16 pm, 01/01/2014

My mother always made her gravey out of the bacon grease,and she also fried potatoes with bacon grease , she kept a mason jar with a lid on it on the stove just for that ...did anyone elses mother do that ? Just courious !!


Posted 1:23 am, 01/01/2014

my mother made the best chicken and dumplings, chicken and dressing, polk salad, turnips greens, peach cobbler. fried potatoe cakes, corn bread fritters with japalenos, and yes my mom made chocolate gravy. it is made with cocoa, ,milk, sugar and flour. you make it just like you do bacon gravy.


Posted 11:32 am, 12/31/2013

Nuked Nutella! I swear!... it sounded pretty good imo


Posted 11:24 am, 12/31/2013

Satan (view profile)

Posted 6:44 am, 12/31/2013

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Will someone please explain this chocolate gravy???

microwave a jar of Nutella and pour it on a biscuit?

Not NO, but llhe NO! I like Nutella but no way it could ever come close to being a stand in for real chocolate gravy. Satan, that was just evil!

Here's how to make the good stuff.

Melt a stick of butter in a skillet. Stir in 4 to 5 tbl.of flour and 2 tbl. cocoa to make a rue (?). Then add 3 cups of milk and stir it up good. Then add 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar. Use a whisk and stir constantly until it thickens like regular cream gravy. Eat immediately over some Mary B's biscuits right out of the oven.

Nuked Nutella! I swear!


Posted 8:28 am, 12/31/2013

My mom was the best cook and the food I miss the most is her home made pies with the crust that stood up without needing a pie plate to sit in.


Posted 8:26 am, 12/31/2013


Posted 6:49 pm, 12/30/2013

mothers are supposed to cook?

My thoughts. My mom could heat things up, but cooking was not her forte.


Posted 8:19 am, 12/31/2013

to be perfectly honest i can't decide which was the best. i can't remember my momma fixing anything that wasn't absolutely delicious.

1 Yosemite Sam

Posted 7:55 am, 12/31/2013

phillyjoe (view profile)

Posted 6:47 pm, 12/30/2013

Fried chicken.

Was your mama black,,,They make the besssssst fried chicken


Posted 7:30 am, 12/31/2013

My Grandmother was like a mother to me and she made the best fried apple pies in the world. Miss her and those pies.


Posted 6:44 am, 12/31/2013

Truthseeker911 (view profile)

Will someone please explain this chocolate gravy???

microwave a jar of Nutella and pour it on a biscuit?


Posted 6:30 am, 12/31/2013

Dude my Mom could really cook.

I couldn't possibly have a fav meal from her table.

Miss her terribly.


Posted 11:07 pm, 12/30/2013

Hipower, It's not my fault you are so quick and interjected yourself between my response to bum. ( I'm sssslllooowwww)


Posted 10:22 pm, 12/30/2013

My mom made the best fried potatoes!! Perfectly crispy & brown on one side but still tender on the other!

And she was known for her homemade banana pudding. I sure miss her!


Posted 10:22 pm, 12/30/2013

That hurt.


Posted 10:22 pm, 12/30/2013

Are you kin to Theg?


Posted 10:21 pm, 12/30/2013

I gots Ravioli!


Posted 10:20 pm, 12/30/2013

guess i will have to come home with each and every one of you just to see how good this food is. i am sure you all can get close to your mothers cooking. so who wants me first


Posted 9:55 pm, 12/30/2013

I had an angel make me Christmas cookies that reminded me of my moms.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:53 pm, 12/30/2013

she made Apple Squares, kind of like apple pie but made in a large cake pan ... had a sweet dough and was glazed


Posted 9:52 pm, 12/30/2013

My mom cooked many good things: Biscuits, fried chicken, potato salad, green beans, apple pies.

Just the regular Southern fare.

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