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What do you like on your salad?


Posted 9:29 am, 10/14/2013

Everything but the lettuce.


Posted 6:15 am, 10/14/2013

Lettuce, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, olives, cheese, eggs, sunflower seeds, bacon bits, pepperoni, dressing, croutons.


Posted 10:27 pm, 10/13/2013

I like a good salad, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, olives, cheese. I also enjoy some pickled okra with mine. Have any of you tried the pickled okra at Village Inn?


Posted 10:14 pm, 10/13/2013

chick peas


Posted 8:49 pm, 10/13/2013

Sunflower seeds.


Posted 8:45 pm, 10/13/2013

Lord mercy, just think if I spawned any kids. They might turn out like me.
**** that's a night mare I'll pass any day.
Heck I could tell you some **** that would make you guts bust James and still come out on top of knowing I grew up better later on. I'm still a handful, you just gotta know what tames me haha.


Posted 8:42 pm, 10/13/2013

No doubt ha ha


Posted 8:39 pm, 10/13/2013

Old man has had 3 hard attacks while watching me grow and still kicking
I guess I am worth every mind of my father live too see me grow cause he raised a handful that's for sure.


Posted 8:36 pm, 10/13/2013



Posted 8:33 pm, 10/13/2013

I don't know, it feels weird. I used to feel and see things and still do. I just sometimes ignore it cause people said I might be crazy when talking about it.
I just know when I'm curious it's best you step back, I once touched and electric fence and done it twice on purpose cause I was still curious and could feel the tingle in my fingers.Like I said, I done some crap in my days as a squirt that would total you bill. Heck if I don't recall yet I still jumped the fence a couple yrs back around 10 chases Mr. bills horse were I had the lazor and water gun, now I recall that horse being called ugly but he stole my fav baseball and I wanted it back. Back then we didn't have baseball bats, used broom sticks and the one year my dad got us new base gear. Well I know they say it hurts like **** being hit between the legs for a guy, my sister for me between the legs from swing back to fast and hard I was holding my junk thinking "OH THANK GOD FOR NO NUTSACK". One could say I was felt the total misery you endure for about 30 mins or less.


Posted 8:27 pm, 10/13/2013

Ingrained in your DNA I suppose


Posted 8:26 pm, 10/13/2013

If it was then it was a good dream, I've had a lot of them that made me come too think I was really living. No one can say they can take them away from me but I take care of my fair share on folks.Experimenting ain't the word for me and I don't look to disappoint a persons stomach. I like to know that when I'm cooking I can please them. In fact some how I think I got a little magic in it cause every time I take some of my food too the patients I visit who might be sick or hurting were I give them some comfort that get better in a matter of days. I suppose it was always better at taking care of people but healing has always come natural even when I don't realize I'm doing it.


Posted 8:20 pm, 10/13/2013

Sounds like a dream


Posted 8:11 pm, 10/13/2013

Hun I can think of the best moment was when I was small getting down right dirty in the garden patch with my good old grandmother, funny thing is I would wear all them frilly dresses and what not but still play around like a boy scout and be a handful for the teachers. If it was getting in fights at school it was going into the woods being back trinkets and slugs too climbing tree's, jumping off the porch thinking I could superman because I didn't know or think gravity existed until I landed on the tramplene, playing with my first gun but with saftey, throwing sharp objects from watch xena to herculeas and repeating episodes of the loony tunes. Oh yha tv was a big effect on my little brain. cooking in the kitchen but being a pest for finger licking the sweets, biting and teething on objects or learning how too knit were I made knots instead of ties One could say I made you day fit the bill.


Posted 8:05 pm, 10/13/2013

Ha ha. I bet u wish u could go back...just for a min.


Posted 8:01 pm, 10/13/2013

Hey you gotta make screw up to achieve perfection
You think that's bad try watching my dad one dear bake these rolls around thankgiving, I told him I could do it cause I knew what too do, well that one day he screw up so much he just threw that pizza **** out in the air like a frizby with the burnt rolls and here comes my sister down the road watching this and that darn dog of hers boots scrabbling all over the place trying to ear em lmao.


Posted 7:58 pm, 10/13/2013

Lol a nice memory.


Posted 7:58 pm, 10/13/2013

Just lettuce and Roselli's dressing......yum


Posted 7:56 pm, 10/13/2013

Yha it is but you'd have laughed the first time I set the stove on fire by accident cause I hit the wrong burner from trying too make ramen at age 10. Oh I had parent supervision but I sure as heck burned that mustard bottle lmao.


Posted 7:54 pm, 10/13/2013

Cooking truly is an art.

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