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Posted 10:34 pm, 05/26/2009

thanks yall...I was probably just putting too much in the pan


Posted 10:30 pm, 05/26/2009

It could be that your grease is not hot enough too...are you seeing a lot of breading in the bottom of the fryer or skillet? if so...then it's not hot enough, and has time to fall off the squash.


Posted 10:30 pm, 05/26/2009

Place your dipped/rolled squash on a metal cookie sheet and pit it into the freezer. let it stay about an hour even if it freezes. Take as much off the pan as you can fry at one time without crowding. Most of the time the breading comes off because your oil is not the right temperature, you crowd it in the pan, or you don't have enough oil. This also works for okra, fried green tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, etc.


Posted 10:16 pm, 05/26/2009

I do that to goddess...but my breading always falls off =(


Posted 9:59 pm, 05/26/2009

I usually dip my squash in water or, egg and milk mix before rolling it in the flour, or cornmeal.


Posted 9:31 pm, 05/26/2009

Me & my hubby have been discussing this for awhile now...we miss the schools squash, I know sad right. I've looked in the grocery store for something similar and nothing is as good as it...and if I make it myself it's not as good either...any suggestions or do you know where I can buy the ready made stuff that's good. HOW DO I KEEP THE BREADING ON BETTER?

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