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Snow Cream?


Posted 1:53 pm, 01/13/2011

I just use milk, sugar and vanilla.


Posted 5:37 pm, 01/12/2011

The recipe in the Carolina Country book from Energy United listed below is the best snow cream I have ever made.


Posted 1:35 pm, 01/12/2011

I get a pot of snow add 2 cups of milk 2 1/2 cups of sugar and a tablespoon of vanilla flavoring. depending on how much you wanna make just add more ingredients!!

as far as the cake batter alot of times when we want a quick chocolate pudding I will mix up a box of cake mix and that is what we have as pudding....craved it when I was prego and never been sick from it!


Posted 10:32 pm, 12/27/2010

Sorry simplyme ....

licking the beaters is one of life's little pleasures...

done it for going on 40 years and not gotten sick yet.

Of course, Grandma, Momma and I always check the egg yolks before they go in anything to make sure they arent dark yaller too....


Posted 4:03 pm, 12/26/2010

This recipe was in this month issue of Carolina County, the electrical co-op magazine.

Start with a 24 ounce jar. a can of condensed milk, vanilla sugar and a can (12 ounce) of evaported milk or a pint of half & half.

Gather bowl of fluffy snow

Pour condensed milk in the jar along with a can of evaporated milk or equal amount ( about 1 1/2 cups) of half and half.

This sounds wonderful. I need to gather me some snow and try it.

Add a capful of vanilla.

Add a little sugar (maybe 2 tablespoon to start, then taste.

Put the lid on and shake, shake, shake.

Put a few scoops of snow into a bowl or cup. Pour a little of the cream at a time over the fluffy snow.

Add more cream and stil until it is thick or thin as you like it.


Posted 3:35 am, 12/26/2010

I don't think you should eat raw eggs. There's a chance of food poisoning. You're not not even suppose to lick the beaters when making cake batter.


Posted 8:52 pm, 12/25/2010

How do YOU make Snow cream?

Momma makes it like this:

Beat two eggs until frothy
then add 1/2 c sugar , 1 c milk and Tbsp of vanilla
beat until sugar dissolves
Fold in snow

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