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Pots and pans


Posted 9:59 am, 01/17/2015

that's exactly why I asked..a girl likes to right


Posted 9:59 am, 01/17/2015

We have a glass top stove and we use cast iron all the time . Also we use a pressure cooker for canning in the summer on the stove. As long as you take steps to protect the top i see no problem. We have had our glass top stove for three years now and i see no damage occurring. We wax the top after every use.


Posted 9:59 am, 01/17/2015

thank you kind sir!

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:58 am, 01/17/2015

Goddess, you can tell by the emoticon...looks like he was just thinking about it. :)


Posted 9:58 am, 01/17/2015

I'm glad I was of some minor service to you this beautiful morning 1goddess.


Posted 9:56 am, 01/17/2015

I remember breaking a few glass thermometers and playing with the mercury


Posted 9:56 am, 01/17/2015

I remember Yugoman from 1st grade and he chewed on lead pencils even then.


Posted 9:55 am, 01/17/2015

dang crypt...was that an org*sm???


Posted 9:52 am, 01/17/2015

For those that only made it through the 2nd grade: induction heating uses the principle of p = I squared times r where the magnetic flux is proportional to the square of number of turns and the coeffecient of coupling between your Iinduction cooktop pan and the coil in the induction cooktop. I can only recommend this if a ceramic coating is inserted between the Iinductor and the inductee. Also any meats containing iron (blood) are transmutated by the strong electromagnetic field with uncertain ramifications.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:51 am, 01/17/2015

Crypt, when shopping for a new stove, I was told this about an electric smoothtop. Actually, I had posed the question after a discussion we had at work about it meaning that's the only reason I had enough sense to ask...


Posted 9:46 am, 01/17/2015

My point is why risk it when there are other options available.

Over the last few years, there has been concern about the exposures resulting from leaching of aluminum from cookware and beverage cans. However, as a general rule, this contributes a relatively small amount to the total daily intake. Aluminum beverage cans are usually coated with a polymer to minimize such leaching. Leaching from aluminum cookware becomes potentially significant only when cooking highly basic or acidic foods. For example, in one study, tomato sauce cooked in aluminum pans was found to accumulate 3-6 mg aluminum per 100 g serving.

Certain aluminum compounds have been found to be an important component of the neurological damage characteristics of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Much research over the last decade has focused on the role of aluminum in the development of this disease. At this point, its role is still not clearly defined. Since AD is a chronic disease which may take a long time to develop, long-term exposure is the most important measure of intake. Long-term exposure is easiest to estimate for drinking water exposures. Epidemiological studies attempting to link AD with exposures in drinking water have been inconclusive and contradictory. Thus, the significance of increased aluminum intake with regard to onset of AD has not been determined.


Posted 9:43 am, 01/17/2015

That's funny yugo, calling t&t liberal. It's the accumulation of aluminum over time leaching into the body and has nothing to do with politics.

People used to think there was no problem with lead or mercury either. Maybe you ate lead paint chips?


Posted 9:38 am, 01/17/2015

All who buy into the liberal moonbat warnings about aluminum, better not eat out any more. Most restaurant commercial equipment is aluminum . Stock pots,saute pans, steamers. If the liberals were right about aluminum used, we would all have been dead decades ago.


Posted 9:36 am, 01/17/2015

Glitter I use cast iron and ceramic on a glass cooktop no problems. You must be referring to induction heated cook tops.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:31 am, 01/17/2015

You're not supposed to use cast-iron on an electric smoothtop stove and you can't use a canner on one, either.


Posted 9:17 am, 01/17/2015

I know many of you are saying wow that Crypt must be some kinda nuclear physicist. I made it through 3rd grade and my preferred mode of transportation is a 1982 Tomos moped.


Posted 9:13 am, 01/17/2015

jude you are such a riot...I've lmao all morning!...


Posted 9:11 am, 01/17/2015

There are really only two safe choices; properly seasoned cast iron and ceramic.


Posted 9:09 am, 01/17/2015

The plain old stainless/copper combination causes electrolysis and I don't recommend ionized soup in your pinto beans.


Posted 9:07 am, 01/17/2015

Good answer, good answer.. High👏👏👏
why do I feel like I'm on family fued

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