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NWES Shepherd's Pie


Posted 9:08 am, 03/30/2011

Class of '76 here. Lots of girls wearing those wooden soled clogs or Dr Scholls exercise shoes down those creaky old wooden steps.... sounded like thunder at lunch time!


Posted 12:56 pm, 03/07/2011

I remember sliding down that hill to the playground - on a trashcan lid with the handle removed. No way on earth I would do something that foolhardy now!

Remember the lovely willow tree that used to be next to the incinerator?

Class of 1974.

P.S. My mother and my grandmother also went to that elementary school AND old North Wilkesboro High School that was in the same location.


Posted 12:54 pm, 03/07/2011

Oh memories of the old NWES going down on the lower playground to play softball and wiffleball the hardwoods in the halls those great yeast rolls. Class of 1977


Posted 12:48 pm, 03/07/2011

Running down those steep cement steps to the gym. The 2 floor class rooms. I have lots of great memories of NWES. Now it is the Bennet Center.


Posted 12:46 pm, 03/07/2011

I was a 1956 graduate, myself. Remember the old gym down under the hill?


Posted 12:29 pm, 03/07/2011

No, Quack, I don't remember that toast. I didn't realize you went to NWES!


Posted 12:04 pm, 03/07/2011

Nancy, Do you remember the cinnamon toast make with powdered sugar. I don't remember the shepherd pie.


Posted 12:03 pm, 03/07/2011


I found this one on all recipes.com..They have several different recipes there for it.


Posted 12:27 pm, 03/05/2011

You can go to Google an put in Recipe Shepherds Pie and it will give you alot of recipes maybe one of them will be close to the one you are looking for . My Husband & Daughter loves Shepherds pie hope you can fined one you like.


Posted 11:15 am, 03/02/2011

Recently, a friend of mine was waxing nostalgic about the Shepherd's Pie that the old North Wilkesboro Elementary School used to serve. Hmmm. Not one of my favorites, although I do have fond memories of that lunchroom. Remember going down those old wooden steps to stand in line in that long hallway of food lockers? Remember the main dining room with its hardwood floors? Remember being thrilled when they served your personal favorite?

Now, as for me, Shepherd's Pie was my LEAST favorite menu item. I thought it looked and smelled like dog food. But, oddly enough, my friend really wants to find the old NWES recipe for that item!

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