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Need Low Carb Recipes


Posted 3:06 pm, 05/11/2010

Here is one I just got and haven't tried, but it sure sounds good!

Haywood Smith’s Dark Chicken Salad

A make ahead dish that serves 4 for luncheon

2 Cans Chicken stock6-8 chicken thighs or 12-15 drumsticks1-2 pounds roasted pecan piecesfresh ground peppersaltdash of fresh lime juiceWonderful Low Carb Blender Mayo (recipe follows)
Place chicken in pot with stock to cover. Bring to boil, then reduce heat and cover. Simmer until tender (30 minutes to 1 hour). Cool, covered, then refrigerate in the stock for 4 hours to one day. This is the secret to moist salad that needs less mayo.)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and roast pecan pieces, thinly scattered in flat pan, for 15 to 20 minutes, or until they lose their raw taste. Keep a close eye on them so they don’t overbrown and turn bitter. Cool.

2. Take the chicken out of the stock, then remove skin, bones, and icky stuff. Coarsely chop the meat and place in a generous sized bowl.

3. Add pecans, coarse pepper, salt dash of lime juice, and low carb mayo to taste.


1. Mound on a bed of romaine or Buttercrunch lettuce and garnish with lots of fresh berries or sliced tomatoes, avacado slices, and cucumber sticks. OR

2. Roll in lettuce leaves and serve as finger food, whole or sliced into rounds. A thin, narrow strip of cucumber peel makes a nice tie to secure the roll. OR

3. Spread onto low-carb whole wheat (no yeast) flour tortilla and either top with another tortilla and slice into wedges, or roll like a burrito and slice on the diagonal, garnished with fruit or low-carb crudités. OR

4. If you are not counting carbs, spread generously onto mayonnaise coated Pepperidge Farm white bread. Yum. (Men especially like it this way.)

Wonderful Low – Carb Blender Mayo

Makes 2-3 cups. Keeps several weeks in the refrigerator.

2 pasteurized uncooked eggs1/3 to ½ teaspoon salt¾ teaspoon dry mustardDash of sweet paprika2-4 Packets of Truvia or Splenda2 cups cold pressed saffron or clear sesame or almond oil (Almond is best, but pricey)3 Tablespoons fresh lime juice

1. Place eggs, salt, spices and sweetener in blender. Process at high speed for 30 seconds. (The friction “cooks” the eggs)

2. With blender running, gradually add ¼ cup of the oil.

3. Blender still running, add the lime juice and blend until creamy.

4. Gradually drizzle in the rest of the oil, so the mixture doesn’t separate.

5. Spoon into an extra clean jar or container. The more sterile the container, the longer the mayonnaise will keep.


Posted 4:42 am, 04/18/2010

I almost died last year from diabetes and I've been on a very strict low carb diet. I've had fun trying new recipes...anybody got any tasty ones to share? Thanks!

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