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home made frozen pizzas?


Posted 6:05 pm, 11/02/2009

I would say they would be good...I'm sure they would be better than those expensive frozen pizzas you buy at the grocery store.


Posted 7:48 am, 11/02/2009

Freezing your own pizza works great. A while back, I toasted english muffins and made mini pizzas from them and froze them. I did not have room in the freezor for a whole pizza, but this worked out really well, and I could take an individual one out and pop it in the microwave when I wanted something quick.


Posted 6:38 pm, 10/31/2009

Although I have not tried it, I have often frozen dough in bulk for yeast rolld, made yeast rolls and frozen them before they rose, etc., and don't see why this would not work with pizza dough. Many pizza restaurants will sell you bulk dough. Suggest you buy some of this and give it a try.


Posted 11:47 am, 10/31/2009

Has anyone ever tried to make their own pizza to freeze for later, like homemade frozen pizzas? If I make a good recipe for supper I often make double and freeze half for easier suppers later. I have done this with calzones, chicken enchiladas, chicken pot pie, broccoli casserole, etc. Just wondered if anyone had tried this and how they did it. Thanks!

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