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home made biscuits


Posted 6:05 pm, 09/08/2011

Type L is really good in making biscuits. I wouldn't use anythings else.


Posted 11:35 pm, 09/07/2011

You are so right, Grannynannie.

I use Type L for biscuits 3 to 4 times a week. I use really sour buttermilk, Mayola brand, when I can get it, and have perfect biscuits every time. I also make 25 at a time and put 5 unbaked biscuits onto 4 pie tins in the freezer, wrapped in plastic and foil.

The frozen ones don't have to be thawed to bake them. I also use a few for chicken and dumplings or pinto beans with dumplings. Great eating!

Southern Biscuit makes Type L mix and is available at both Food Lion and Lowes.


Posted 9:42 pm, 09/07/2011

since I don't make biscuits four or five times a week like I use to, I have completely lost the touch. I use Southern Biscuit Formular L mix now. It's really good.


Posted 2:52 pm, 09/07/2011

Can flour get old?


Posted 9:15 pm, 09/06/2011

Your leavening petered out. Get another bag of flour and try again (a small bag.) I'll bet you will find out that is your problem.


Posted 8:36 pm, 09/06/2011

how much flour and grease and milk

like 4cups of flour and acup of grease 2cupsmilk.

they didnt rise it like i didnt put enought stuff in them or i put too much grease.please help me!


Posted 7:42 pm, 09/06/2011

Knead your dough as little as possible.


Posted 4:49 pm, 09/06/2011

i have forgot how to make home made biscuits or sometime they are good and sometimes not. i made them 2 times today and the dogs wouldn't eat them ! HELP

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