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Grilling Chicken


Posted 12:59 am, 09/13/2009

Mr. Pratt's Chicken Grilling Sauce
This is the Original Recipe from Mr.Pratt (Wilkes Home extension agent 1960) .
The recipe was given to fire depts and community centers for cooking chicken to raise money.
Number of People 5 10 20 50 100 500
Number of Broilers 3 5 10 25 50 250 ( 2 halves per broiler )
Ingredents ____
Butter or
Margarine 1/4lb 1/2 lb 1 lb 2 lbs 4 lbs 20 lbs
Lemons 1 2 3 5 10 50
Vinegar 4 oz 8 oz 16 oz 32 oz 64 oz 2 1/2 gallons
Salt 5tsp 3 Tbs 6 Tbs 2/3 cup 1 1/3 cups 3 1/2 lbs
Black Pepper 1/2 tps 1 tps 2 tps 5 tps 3 Tbs 1 cup
Red Pepper 1/3 tsp 2/3 tps 2 tps 4 tps 1 1/2 Tbs 2/3 cup
Increase amount of spices by 1/3 for more flavor
Place Butter and vinegar in sauce pot ,add pepper , salt and lemon juice simmer for 30 minutes


Posted 11:11 pm, 09/10/2009

Call the Wilkes County Extention office. They have the recipe and instructions broken down by the number of chickens you want to cook.


Posted 9:42 pm, 09/10/2009

well the way we cook it is it's about 3ft above the charcoal and we keep the sauce poured on it all the time every 5 min of soo but we cook it about 25min each side for about 2 to 2 1/2 til the leg bone will turn out of the half chicken we cook 25 halfs at a time!!


Posted 9:25 pm, 09/10/2009

Anyone have experience grilling chicken like fire departments? Any tips?

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