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Go Wilkes Cookbook


Posted 7:22 pm, 07/24/2009

Jason, I am looking forward to the new format on the recipes. That will be neat.

Say Cheese!

Posted 7:10 pm, 07/24/2009

Do you have one for sale?


Posted 11:53 pm, 07/15/2009

Yes I have and it's a lot of work and lot of money.To have run of 500 books it will cost you around 2500.00 dollars unless you use a cookbook publisher and use their book styles

Say Cheese!

Posted 5:53 pm, 07/15/2009

Have you ever published a cookbook Bushman?
I thought I read once where you worked with a puplisher.


Posted 6:16 pm, 07/11/2009

Sounds exciting! :) Look forward to seeing the new features! :)


Posted 4:04 pm, 07/11/2009

Yenjifer, I've had a few delays while negotiating with other companies for new features; for example, I'm working with Val-Pak to have printable coupons listed, with the Education Lottery to show winning numbers, and with a national marketing agency to show national ads (as well as the current local ads).

I'm hoping to launch the new site within about 4-6 weeks, but I can't sure about that. I'll probably launch a few other county sites with the new release.


Posted 12:32 pm, 07/11/2009



Posted 12:17 pm, 07/11/2009

Jason, THANKS for the explanation and for all the hard work you put into GoWilkes! Looking forward to the revamped site. Now if we could just get you to set up a GoYadkin!


Posted 11:48 am, 07/11/2009

Thanks Jason for explaining it to us .Never knew it was so Complicated.
Would never do anything to hurt gowilkes .
I'm addicted to it .LOL


Posted 11:20 am, 07/11/2009

Jason, the new version of Gowilkes sounds much more user friendly. I know many times I have found recipes that I like, and then too much time passes and I can not find it again. :) Thanks!

When will this new version be on?


Posted 5:52 am, 07/11/2009

I should mention publicly that the recipes posted here are often copywrited, so it's technically not legal to post them. This applies to recipes that come from printed recipe books, or sites like Recipes.com.

We can get away with leaving them here because we never imply that the recipes are our own, and of course the copywrite holder can ask us to remove them at any time (which has happened dozens of times). As long as we comply within a reasonable time frame, then no laws are broken.

Printing these recipes for commercial distribution, though, (meaning, if you charge something, whether you profit or not) would be a different story, because you can't just remove a printed recipe from a distributed book. This means that printing many of the recipes found here for distribution may be both a civil and a criminal offense. Copywrite infringement carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000, although there have been civil cases where the offender was charged over $1,000,000.

This would apply to both the distributor and the person that supplies the recipe to them. In this case, that would mean that I would be danger of penalties, even if it were unintentional. Believe me, we spent a lot of time and money with a copyright attorney when we first launched GoWilkes, so I know more than I ever wanted to know about this topic! :)

Besides, we will be launching a new release of GoWilkes in the near future that will include a searchable database for recipes, options to add pictures to your recipes, and the ability to easily categorize and print your favorites.

Thanks for understanding,



Posted 9:50 pm, 07/10/2009

sounds good to me. Let me know if i can help.


Posted 11:30 am, 07/09/2009

There will not be a gowilkes cookbook .

If you are interested in a Wilkes Ciounty's Best Cookbook
PM me or 1Goddess


Posted 5:33 pm, 07/06/2009

I'm in!!!!


Posted 4:15 pm, 07/06/2009

Cool! Looking forward to the book - remember if you need help, all you need to do is ask. I have no clue how to pull something like this together, but would be willing to try to help. Good luck!


Posted 2:52 pm, 07/06/2009

let's try that again...got it cleared up!


Posted 2:52 pm, 07/06/2009

no...got is cleared up!


Posted 11:04 am, 07/06/2009

Are you still having issues with the copyright?


Posted 9:45 am, 07/06/2009

copywrite issue..


Posted 6:41 pm, 07/04/2009

What is this damper?

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