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For the foodies out there

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 1:54 pm, 06/17/2015

i make tarragon butter and baste the fish as it grills. sometimes i add chives to the butter as well. squeeze lemon over the fish right at the end.

i fresh pick the herbs and don't measure ... probably about a tablespoon of fresh tarragon (less if its dried, the flavor is more intense) to a stick of butter. toss in about the same amount of chives. melt the butter slowly with the herbs.

i like it with a dense fish like halibut. would probably work well on swordfish too


Posted 1:40 pm, 06/17/2015

Osmosis....I use to release sheepshead till I discovered they taste similar to crab when boiled in cheesecloth and crab seasonings... helps those allergic to shellfish


Posted 1:37 pm, 06/17/2015

I release all the fish I catch. Makes them happy.


Posted 1:33 pm, 06/17/2015

Elmo how do you use it....combination with other herbs?
The fish I am using is similar to tuna but flakes easily if that makes sense according to the fish mongor
If that makes sense

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 1:18 pm, 06/17/2015

i love tarragon with fish


Posted 1:12 pm, 06/17/2015

Thanks Chendo....sounds good
I love ***in or chipolte for the subtle warmth...
I want to incorporate himalayan sea salt in the rub.
just about a half an hour before serving I am adding chili pepper flakes to the salsa and fresh lime


Posted 1:03 pm, 06/17/2015

i dont know moomfish, but heres what i like on fish..works well for pan fried, or grilled.

If you are going for the southwestern theme, use ***in, paprika, allspice, chile powder and salt and pepper. Don't forget to squeeze a lime right before serving.

Serve on a bed of shredded cabbage and jicima.


Posted 12:55 pm, 06/17/2015

Has anyone ever had opah?
Otherwise known as moonfish...
Has it been as poke? Or seared to the right perfection
Looking for a recipe for tonight.
I already have made a salsa of mango, papaya and avacado?
Any suggestions for grilling it... as a "rub"????

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