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cooking a pig in the ground


Posted 7:03 pm, 07/11/2009

Bushman, here is another link that sounds good also!



Posted 12:18 pm, 07/11/2009

WOW!!! what a pitiful waste of good pig!


Posted 10:44 pm, 07/10/2009

my husband cooked a pig in the ground once, he spent timeless hours digging the hole, carrying rocks, making sure it was just right. he drove all the way to taylorsville to pick the pig up, we was there for nearly an hour before he got just the right size he needed. drove it home and his brothers came over to help kill the thing and do whatever it was to get in the ground. oh, they had a good ole' time, because they dont get to see each other much because of work. anyways, they finally got the thing in the ground about 1am and and everyone went home and we were going to eat it the next day and he was supposed to keep an eye on the mea, weel, he fell asleep after drinking one too many andneedless to say it was burnt to a crisp by 10am the next morning, and i mean burnt to a crisp. we laughed so hard and he was so pissed , hurt, embarrassed, and dissapointed that we didnt rag on him too much. just thought i would share this.


Posted 6:33 pm, 07/10/2009


Posted 6:23 pm, 07/10/2009

WOW fatboy, that is old school!!!! Let me know when it's ready, I've got a case of cold ones to go along with it!


Posted 5:23 pm, 07/10/2009

has any one out there ever cooked a pig in the ground? how is the best way?

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