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Posted 10:42 pm, 04/04/2015

Ceylon cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon has been hailed as the "true cinnamon" or the "real cinnamon" that possesses outstanding health benefits especially for the diabetics and those challenged by obesity and high cholesterol issues. Unfortunately this cinnamon which is native to Sri Lanka and sourced from the plant Cinnamomum zeylanicum is rather unknown to most people. In the United States and many parts of Asia, what the majority of us have been buying from the Supermarket and groceries and consuming is actually not the real cinnamon but Cassia cinnamon, which comes from a different plant called Cinnamomum cassia, also known as Chinese cinnamon that are mostly cultivated in China and Indonesia. While the two species of cinnamon share certain characteristics such as antimicrobial, and in terms of inhibiting the growth of fungi and yeast, and regulating blood sugar, their contents differ much in terms of the amount of coumarin, which is a naturally ocurring substance with strong blood-thinning properties. The coumarin level in Ceylon cinnamon is negligibly small, while that in Cassia cinnamon is an appalling 1200 times higher. The ingestion of large amount of coumarin or consumption of coumarin over a prolonged period of time can cause serious health damages and a negative impact on the liver and kidney. German FDA has warned against consuming the excessive intake of Cassia bark due to its coumarin content.


Posted 8:24 pm, 04/04/2015

Cinnamon Bo Bisquits. Fine- Fine


Posted 8:16 pm, 04/04/2015

I put it on my waffles every morning.


Posted 7:37 pm, 04/04/2015

wwould cinnamon tea work?


Posted 7:19 pm, 04/04/2015

Being a diabetic, Cinnamon is a great filler for sugar too, you can use it on an apple or bread to add some treat. It does help with sugar levels, especially if you're level is a little high and you need it to come down or does me.


Posted 7:16 pm, 04/04/2015

Ginger is hard to find because it's being sent to China by the boat load!


Posted 6:20 pm, 04/04/2015

I like cinnamon and ginger, but for some reason ginger is getting hard to find. (at the places I shop weekly)


Posted 6:03 pm, 04/04/2015

This was mentioned in another thread, but I think it deserves its own thread. Especially since so many people eat a lot of desserts at Easter.

For centuries, it's been known that cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Countless studies have shown that it helps sugar to be absorbed and passed more quickly, and increase your insulin sensitivity.

Here's just one of the many studies:


Adding cinnamon doesn't give you a free pass to eat more sugar, but adding cinnamon to your daily diet DOES help you to pass sugar before it turns in to fat. And it's particularly helpful to diabetics, by naturally lowering their glucose levels.

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