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chicken salad


Posted 2:37 pm, 08/04/2009

I use 4 cooked chicken breast ,3 boiled eggs,2 sticks celery,celeryseed, onion,a touch of mustard and kraft mayo....salt and pepper to taste.


Posted 1:34 pm, 08/04/2009

I make mine like scrawlspace except I also add a 1/4 cup of finely minced bread and butter pickles along with the relish-in my case, only Mt olive brand sweet pickle cucumbers. I like to put it on bread and then grill it in a little butter or margarine and serve it with a little extra bread and butter spears or rings on the side. Boy! I'm hungry already!


Posted 10:53 am, 08/04/2009

cook chicken, (I use white meat only), and cool. then chop it as fine as you want it.
I add green pepper, boiled eggs, celery, and sweet pickle relish, Make a dressing of mayonnaise, a dab of mustard, a dab of sugar, a dab of vinegar, then salt and pepper to taste. the ratio (this is just a guess) would be something similar to 1 cup mayonnaise (not a low-fat or fat-free type), 2 level tsps. of mustard, about 3/4 tsp sugar and 1 to 2 tsp vinegar. I don't measure, so these are guesstimates.


Posted 10:08 pm, 08/03/2009

I boil a couple chicken breasts, with salt & pepper. Shredd it up, add some mayo, sweet pickle cubes, onions, and some salt & pepper.


Posted 5:37 pm, 08/02/2009

How do you make homemade chicken salad?

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