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Canning peaches


Posted 8:01 am, 08/08/2010

thought that a pressure cooker was used more for canning meats (yuck) it uses the hot temperature to cook the meat before sealing it to avoid spoilage.

we always used a hot bath when canning peaches, but always add fruit fresh to keep them from turning brown.

good luck


Posted 10:45 am, 08/07/2010

a pressure cooker and a pressure canner are in essence the same thing. They both produce high temps under pressure.

the only difference is a pressure cooker...cooks food under high temps and pressure...and of course is much smaller...thus cooking faster.

A pressure canner...which is quite large.... does the same thing but is big enough to accommodate the food packed in jars.

As long as you're canning high acid foods...fruits, pickles, tomato's, jams and jellies...a hot water bath canner will do.

Which I just use my big ole enamal pot for the required amount of time to process these delightful treats!

Happy canning!


Posted 1:51 pm, 08/05/2010

don't tell nobody!


Posted 1:38 pm, 08/05/2010

rrdk0416 how about a bath and a glass of wine and forget the peaches


Posted 12:44 pm, 08/05/2010

don't want to be the stickler in the group but OP said "pressure cooker" not pressure canner. i could be wrong on this but don't think they are the same thing.


Posted 3:19 pm, 08/04/2010

yes, it is safe...pints no less than 20 minutes quarts no less than 25 minutes that's if you hot pack.

If you raw pack, pints 25 minutes and quarts 30 minutes.

Make sure you add some fruit fresh so they don't turn brown.

Good luck!!!


Posted 3:14 pm, 08/04/2010

I usually put my peaches in a hot tub to get thm canned


Posted 3:07 pm, 08/04/2010

Might be nice to take a hot bath before you start canning so you will be clean!


Posted 11:54 am, 08/04/2010

Do I have to use a pressure cooker? Or will a hot bath work? Thanks

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