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Beating meat

Daddy P

Posted 12:14 am, 01/27/2014

Slap that stuff in a crock pot. No bother to beat it (with a mallet). Even the toughest meat will come out tender and juicy.


Posted 12:15 am, 01/26/2014

I have found that pounding tougher cuts of beef, pork, and even boneless chicken with a mallet or edge of a saucer does indead break down the muscle fibers and makes even a cheaper cut of meat more tender, similar to a cuber used on beef and pork.


Posted 11:36 pm, 01/25/2014

That helps for liquid marinades, but it still only penetrates however far the holes go. You can find examples online where they use dyed liquids to see how far it will penetrate. And then, the marinade really only flavor the meat. The physical act of puncturing the meat does the most to tenderize it. I did a lot of reading on this when I started making my own rubs and sauces. The best thing to do is buy quality cuts of aged beef


Posted 11:25 pm, 01/25/2014

Dear Fins if you take the time to puncture the meat - horse or other - with a fork before marinating it really works great! The marinade gets inside the meat and it is delicious.


Posted 11:12 pm, 01/25/2014

I removed several posts that were off topic.


Posted 10:53 pm, 01/25/2014

Btw, marinating meat actually does very little to tenderize the meat. The liquid can only soak in barely past the surface. So it never reaches all the way inside and does nothing for the center. The same thing applies to dry rubs because the particles of the rub are larger than the pores of the meat.


Posted 7:26 pm, 01/25/2014

I've always hear if you soak it insider it tenderizes too....


Posted 5:50 pm, 01/25/2014

Marinate it in beer or italian dressing. Milk? NOOOOOO!


Posted 5:48 pm, 01/25/2014

Soak it in beer!


Posted 4:02 pm, 01/25/2014

Does beating meat with a meat beater make it more tender? Will tenderizer do the same thing? What about soaking your meat in milk? What is your experience with making it more tender. Thanks. No ugly responses please.

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