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Baking Class's


Posted 7:41 pm, 12/14/2009

Well sist'a - I is the taste tester :) I think I should be the first to taste each rum bottle - I want to make sure that it is a good rum that will not make all my loved friends sick :( You know I have to take care of you all cause you all is so special to me :) :) :) Don't want any of you having any bad run now do I? :) Razz


Posted 8:52 pm, 12/13/2009

Alrighty now!!!! grannyfelts and mr grannyfelts are feeling better...Yeah!!!Happy

so there will be a baking class this next Tuesday @ 7...

so far we're gonna do Turtle Candy and Rum Balls...I've been informed that I will have to procure 2 bottles of rum...one to drink and one to roll our balls in....LOLOLOL!!!

YODA...we is gonna be rolling balls in rum this Tuesday...I expect to see you...Razz

If you would like to join us...please do...p.m. for directions!!! Love to have you!!!


Posted 2:30 am, 12/09/2009

Mr. and Mrs. Grannyfelts - hope you are both feeling much better :) :) :) Take care and see you soon I hope :) Razz


Posted 11:19 am, 12/08/2009

Get well soon Mr. & Mrs. GrannyFelts. Love ya bunches! :)

Daddy P

Posted 2:36 am, 12/08/2009

I hope granny and mr granny feel better soon.


Posted 10:20 pm, 12/07/2009

Baking class is canceled for this week.Sad

grannyfelts and mr grannyfelts are not feeling well this week.Sad

We will resume our Christmas Candy making class next Tuesday Dec 15th @ 7pm. Happy

Hope you two will get well soon!

We All Luvya Bunches!!!


Posted 8:22 pm, 12/02/2009

Can't wait to make Christmas candy next week. Hopefully it wont be too pretty to eat! LoL I love my GoWilkes "family" - you ALWAYS make me laugh! :)


Posted 5:56 pm, 12/02/2009

At the rate my construction project is going, that may be the only Christmas tree that I have this year, so nobody better not eat mine.

I would also like to thank Mr and Mrs Goddess. It was very brave of you to start inviting us nuts to your house (oh yeah!! I forgot, we just fit right in with ya'll)

Like to also thank Granny and Mr Granny Felts. I have learned alot but most importantly, I along with everyone else have had the time of my life. I have met fun loving people that I will treasure until the end of time.

People, you just do not know what you are missing. Come join us. You won't regret it!!!


Posted 5:49 pm, 12/02/2009

oh lawd, I'm in a heap of hockey!!! Surprised!!!!


Posted 5:45 pm, 12/02/2009

I for one would like to say you guys and gals did a great job. Like always. The pictures were so good. Thanks you all for letting us be a part of your lifes' and making a mess in 1Goddness's kitchen each week. RJ don't believe anything she says. Cause she said the same about you.LOL Love you all. You to Girlfriend!


Posted 4:55 pm, 12/02/2009

I dang sure ain't gonna eat mine....they're to pretty to eat! I think we all did a great job!

Yeah YODA...you did miss a good time...I would have loved to see you build one of those little huts that yoda's live in!!!!Razz

RJspetkitten...I told you not to tell on me...dang it...I alway's endup getting in trouble!!!!Mad


Posted 4:29 pm, 12/02/2009

AWwwww - those all looked so cute!!!! So sorry I missed the fun and all the good eat'ns - you all are just the most awesome people around these here parts :) :) :) :) :) Mr. 1goddess - nothing wrong with the door handle - you done good!!!! Grannyfelts and Mr. Grannfelts are the bomb!!!! Thanks for the pictures freddiemae!!!! They are all just so cute!!!!


Posted 4:27 pm, 12/02/2009

Wow - The pictures turned out great Freddiemae! Has anyone eaten any of theirs yet? I can't make myself do it LoL :)

Goddess, I want to thank you & Mr. Goddess for allowing us to turn your kitchen into a disaster area LoL.

GrannyFelts & company - Thank y'all for your never ending patience - y'all are good people - I don't care what Goddess says! LMAO - J/K :)


Posted 4:11 pm, 12/02/2009

awe....thanks freddiemae...Happy

These are the pictures of baking class last night...ya'll gotta at least take a peak...


Posted 4:08 pm, 12/02/2009


Posted 4:06 pm, 12/02/2009


Posted 2:15 pm, 12/02/2009

Sounds like ya'll had fun! I am looking forward to joining in all the merriment soon, goddess....and I am so looking forward to seeing you guys again!


Posted 1:40 pm, 12/02/2009

pgnwmn...we got a place saved for ya girl!!! Can't wait to see you again!!!

Well folks, all I can say, again..is we had a blast last night!!!
Had a full house to boot!!!Razz there's always room for more!

grannyfelts and mr. grannyfelts had prepared most everything we needed to attempt to build our gingerbread and peanut butter cookie tree's and house's. Thank the power's that be for those two fantastic people!!!!

As the evening was progressing, Baby grannyfelts and grandbaby grannyfelts...was in the process of building their peanutbutter house, when a wall fell...no worries it didn't go to waste....what we didn't eat, we used for decorations! What a hoot!

freddiemae built a star christmas tree's, absolutely beautiful!!! With greenery, snow and all kinds of candy decorations, beautiful creations!

RJspetkitten, built a gingerbreadman christmas tree..what can I say...just beautiful too!!!!

freddiemae took some pictures, maybe she can post them later.

mr 1goddess actually built the gingerbreadhouse, but there was only one problem with his house...the front door handle was on the wrong side!
Well, let's say it was on the wrong side for 1goddess, as 1goddess is lefthanded and goes about most everything backwards!!!Confused

It's just like freddiemae said...doesn't matter anyway, I can't get my big a** thru that door to begin with...we all were almost ROTFL!!! As much as I hate to admit...freddiemae has a point there!Sad

Towards, the end of the evening, we actually could use baby grannyfelts and grandbaby grannyfelts 3 sided house for
mr. 1goddess's gingerbreadhouse garage!
It is a most beautiful garage!
Santa would be proud to park his sleigh in there!

We certainly are having fun making some holiday memories with good friends and good food!

Next week we are going to attempt to make some Christmas candy specialties! We will be posting the recipe's soon.

If you have a favorite Christmas candy and would like to share let us know, join us don't be shy...just come on over!


Posted 1:13 pm, 12/01/2009

Wish I could join ya! Maybe I will be able to soon....after I get all moved and unpacked, LOL! Hope you ladies have fun!


Posted 7:16 pm, 11/30/2009

It's the evening before bump...come join us!!!!Razz

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