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Baking Class's


Posted 10:54 am, 11/29/2009

Baking class will resume this Tuesday evening Dec 1st.
@ 7p.m.!!!

How to bake and build a Gingerbreadman Cookie Christmas Tree!

Here is the recipe we will be using to make the cookies!
1 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup molasses
5 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp ginger
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp.cloves

If you plan to attend, you will need to try and find some mini M & M's candy pieces, gumdrops, and a flat type candy bar or cookie for decorating.
We try to have as much on hand as possible.

Ya'll come on over, it's a blast!!!! Razz


Posted 11:01 am, 11/24/2009

Just a reminder, there will be no baking class this evening. Sad!!!

We will resume our class Tues. Dec 1st...Oh and we will be baking and making a Homemade Gingerbread Man Cookie Christmas Tree's. I have seen what mr and mrs grannyfelts can do with these cookies, and I am telling you they are absolutely beautiful!!!!

Hope you all have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!If you would like to join us please p.m. me!


Posted 10:33 pm, 11/20/2009

i would love to come to the baking class it sounds like a ton of fun and a great learning experience


Posted 3:31 pm, 11/20/2009

Hey - hostess wif the mostest :) where are those recipes - next week is Thanksgiving you know - need to know how to make dat there stuffing!!! And hey, not happy to hear about what hap'n to my "toy" :( :( :( :( I didn't even get to taste it - OM - can't believe I just said that :) :) :) Heck, yea I can believe it - you knows I ain't right :) Razz Razz Razz


Posted 3:44 pm, 11/19/2009

:( :( :( :( :( Boohoo - I missed it all - dang it :( :( :( :( - now - wait. . . . . . . . it was rose red? ROFLMGO - with chocolate "side kicks" LMBO - OKkkkkayyyy!!!! Don't think I have every had one like that so this will be interesting :) :) :) Now - where is MY toy now? No body better have used it :) :) :) 1goddess - I might have to get you to keep it for me - if'n I bring that thing home - eyebrows will rise up and it won't be a pretty site :( :( :( I might have to "share it" with Proud when she comes home tomorrow :) :) :) :) :) She could use "some" - laughter :) :) I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving - Love to all !!!! Razz

PS: Glad grannyfelt's hands weren't as hot as your 1goddess!!!! That "toy" would have never made the "rise" ROFLMBO Razz


Posted 1:49 pm, 11/19/2009

Well it's been a couple of days since our last baking class...folks you have no idea how much fun these gatherings are. I think I have recouperated since Tuesday evening and can now tell of the adventures we had.

YODA...even you missed out...grannyfelts made you a chocolate toy...and I do mean toy!!!! A very special toy!!! Razz

As she was sitting quietly at the end of the table...

mr grannyfelts and mr 1goddess was making their rose's and leaves...as for me...my hands were to hot and my chocolate dough was melting...so I just gave up!!!! Mad

Anyway back to the story...lo and behold, I looked toward the opposite end of the table...and there it was in all it's glory...YODA...honey that thing wasn't pink..it was rose red and it's two little side kicks...were as chocolate brown as you can imagine....needless to say...we all ended up in a fit of laughter...we were all thinking the same thing...yep, there's a YODA toy for sure!!!!Razz

We will not be having a class this next week as we will all be busy in our kitchens baking and decorating our goodies for our Thanksgiving Dinner's.
We have all learned so much from mr and mrs grannyfelts and from one another. This will be our chance to put everything we have learned on our tables!!!

We will resume our class Tues. Dec 1st...Oh and we will be baking and making a Homemade Gingerbread Man Cookie Christmas Tree's. I have seen what mr and mrs grannyfelts can do with these cookies, and I am telling you they are absolutely beautiful!!!!

Hope you all have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

If you would like to join us please p.m. me!


Posted 9:27 pm, 11/18/2009

Are you girls having one next week?


Posted 8:37 pm, 11/18/2009

Hey sist'a - was checking to see if you had posted the recipes from last night since I missed the party :( :( :( I hate it when that happens - dang rain and this here pain is getting the best of me :( :( :( Oh well - I will keep a checking!!!! That stuffing you told me about is still making me hungry but that chocolate stuff - now that is making my mouth water :) :) :)


Posted 2:20 pm, 11/17/2009

afternoon Chocolate bump!!!!


Posted 5:58 pm, 11/16/2009

"we be doing"

Razz....all I can do is sit here and laugh at myself..LOL!!


Posted 3:20 pm, 11/16/2009

Just a reminder....class tomorrow a 7 p.m....we be doing Chocolate Modeling or molding, if you will. It's blending chocolate with other ingrediants letting them setup..and then you model the chocolate or mold it as if you would play dough...the difference being...it edible!!! Really this ought to be fun. Mr. grannyfelts will be demonstrating rose's, as in chocolate rose's...oh this is gonna be soooo good!!!!
Also grannyfelts will be making us a pan of her homemade dressing!! I know that sounds rather strange to some...but believe me..there are those of us that just can't get this, stuffing right!!!!

Hope some of you will join us, as we certainly are having a blast!!!!Happy


Posted 11:22 pm, 11/11/2009

well after we get finished wallering in the chocolate...we probably will endup stuffing each other...LOL!!!

I can't believe I just said that on a public forum...but hey...you never know what we end up doing here at baking class!!!!Razz


Posted 11:17 pm, 11/11/2009

Sist'a - you says we is gonna make stuffing so I was a want'n to know what we was gonna be a stuffing? :) LOL


Posted 11:11 pm, 11/11/2009

You jest make sure u'ens here next week...we gotta play in somemore chocolate and you knows what that does to all of us...kinda makes us all crazy!!!!

YODA...iff'n you want you can stuff mr 1goddess and bake him!!! LOL

but you better get your ingredients right...or you ain't gett'en no chocolate!!!

ya hear me!!! LOL!!!! Razz


Posted 10:29 pm, 11/11/2009

Well dang :( I was really want'n to do that there color flow thingy :( Mr. Grannyfelts can do anything I think. Mrs. Grannyfelts can too :) :) they makes the perfect couple - :) :) :) :)

Now I will make sure I am there for that chocolate molding stuff :) cause I gots this addiction to that chocolate stuff Razz Makes me moan and groan :( and my eyes roll back in my head - almost in a seizure trance :)

Glad we had a new face!!! Welcome GWgirl :) Now we haven't met just yet :( I hope everyone told you I am the witch of the group - and my growl is almost as bad as my bite :) But I can be nice as long as they feeds me that there chocolate stuff Razz And if'n they let me over-dose on it - well I can be sweet then - but I gots to have all that sugar first :(

So we are going to make stuffing next week huh? Is Mr. 1goddess gonna let us stuff him? Opppss!!!! That didn't sound so good :( Tell him to watch out and not make you mad any this week !!!! :) He might get misused :( LMAO - love to kid wif you girlfriend.


Posted 4:52 pm, 11/11/2009

Well, last night...we had a few wild turkey's in the kitchen!!!

freddiemae's turkey was in really bad shape...he ended up with one beedy, blind eye and a rather odd looking beard!!!

1goddess's turkey had to many ruffled feathers and just flew the coop!!! Just couldn't take anymore!!! It to had one eye, and only 1 1/2 legs....at least I think that's what is was!!!

We, sure did miss our YODA though! But we were glad to see GWGirl join us!!! Now her turkey looked really really good!!! Dagnabit!!!!

No, we're not talking about a "turkey", we're talking about using the color flow technique that mr. grannyfelts demonstrated for us and then tried to turn us loose on!!!!
These turkeys will eventually make their way as decorations on our Thanksgiving cakes...oh and they taste good too!!!

Next week, we are going to try our hand at "chocolate modeling", we will be preparing the chocolate, and then the week after that, actually using the chocolate to decorate with!!! It is used like a modeling clay would be used, except it's chocolate and it's edible!!! Oh my, I can't wait for that. Chocolate is always always good!!!

Also we will be baking a Thanksgiving traditional dish....Dressing. Yes, there is some folks that just can't make a decent dressing!!! I happen to be one of them!!!!

So if you're interested contact me for info!!!!


Posted 4:38 pm, 11/11/2009

On your pumpkin fudge recipe you forgot to put when to add the cinnamon and pumpkin. I made it today and it was wonderful!


Posted 9:55 pm, 11/10/2009

Don't be a dang fly - get your buns in there :) :) :)


Posted 4:34 pm, 11/10/2009

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at these classes!


Posted 4:03 pm, 11/10/2009

Afternoon baking class bump!!!!Smile

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