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Baking Class's


Posted 10:38 pm, 11/21/2012

good lawd bushman....just give me the crown royal...ain't wasting that stuff in a cookie....


Posted 8:24 pm, 11/21/2012

Crown Royal Christmas Cookies

1 cup of water
Lemon juice
1 tsp baking soda
4 large eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of nuts
1 tsp salt
2 cups of dried fruit
1 cup of brown sugar
1 1/2 cups Crown Royal

1. Sample the Crown to check quality.
2. Take a large bowl, check the Crown again to be sure it is of
the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.
3. Turn on the electric beater.
4. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
5. Add one teaspoon of sugar....
6. Beat again.
(At this point it's best to make sure the Crown is still okay.
Try another cup, just in case.)
7. Turn off the mixerer thingy.
8. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried
9. Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.
10. Mix on the turner.
If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers,
just pry it loose with a drewscriver. (Sample the Crown for consistency.)
11. Next, sift two cups of salt, or whatever. Who giveshz a sheet.
(Check the Crown)
12. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table.
Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.
13. Greash the oven. Turn the cake 360 degrees and try not to fall over.
Don't forget to beat off the turner.
14. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the Crown
and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.



Posted 10:19 am, 11/17/2012

Maybe after the holiday season....


Posted 1:04 am, 11/17/2012

As would I goddess! I wonder if there would be any interest in getting something like this together again?


Posted 7:57 pm, 11/16/2012

I would love to learn to bake some artisan breads....


Posted 3:07 pm, 11/16/2012

OMG!!! bdwknw...

these were the one of the best of times ever!!!!

Everyone is very much missed!!!!!


Posted 9:49 pm, 11/15/2012

I wish something like this could get stared up again, I'd love to take part in it!


Posted 9:48 pm, 11/15/2012

Bumping this super old thread so everyone can see the yummy recipes. I love the pumpkin fudge recipe. I had lost it and had to google it to find this thread. Sooo glad I found it! I don't make it with chocolate though, I use the vanilla chips instead.

stressrelief 28.5

Posted 7:07 am, 02/09/2010

I havnt read the entire post..Do you all bake any breads like French or Itaian????


Posted 7:21 pm, 02/08/2010

How much does it cost to take classes, and where are you located? I'd love to join


Posted 11:00 am, 01/30/2010


1 can Butter-me-not biscuits

1 stick butter or margarine

3/4 cup of sugar

Chopped apples

1 can 7-up

1 teaspoon apple pie spice

Roll out biscuits. Fill each with chopped apples, fold over and seal. Heat 7=up sugar, margarine and spice in saucepan. Pour over pies and bake at 350 until golden brown.

NOTE: I have a friend who uses cresent rolls and also orange juice instead of 7-up but I don't have the recipe.


Posted 5:42 pm, 01/29/2010

Yes, please ma'm...I love apple dumplings...I've never made them with 7up...give it up grannynanny!!!


Posted 1:01 pm, 01/29/2010

Just a thought: I am in the mood for apple dumplings. I make them with canned biscuts and 7-up. Of course I put ice cream on top while they are hot. Let me know if you want the recipe I use.


Posted 8:36 am, 01/29/2010

Ive been searching some baking recipes for this Tuesday but cant decide on anything! If you have suggestions, feel free to share!


Posted 1:07 pm, 01/20/2010

Thanks 1Goddess! Success is the best way to describe the class. Always easy recipes and great company. The host is just the icing on top!!


Posted 11:56 am, 01/20/2010

Baking class was just another big hit!

Mr. grannyfelts showed us how to make shrimp rolls...OMGoodness!!! Delicious!!!! And alot easier than any of us ever thought to be.

Shrimp rolls
1 Bag of cooked shrimp
1 head chinese cabbage or regular cabbage shredded
1 bag of fresh bean sprouts
1 bottle of soy sauce
1 bottle of cooking oil
1-2 pkgs egg roll wrappers
salt and pepper to taste

saute cabbage bean sprouts salt and pepper in large skillet
saute cabbage to crisp tender, add shrimp and soy sauce.
spoon into egg roll wrappers fold over 1/2 egg roll and tuck in ends.
Roll over again, we used water to seal the egg roll and it worked just fine or you can insert a toothpick.
Deep fry till golden brown or if you like bake at 350 till golden brown.
These can also be frozen before you fry or bake or afterwards also.

Sesame Chicken

4-6 skinless boneless chicken breast cubed
1 part flour
1 part cornstarch
galic powder to taste
salt and pepper to tast
cooking sherry wine
sesame seeds

season chicken with garlic powder salt and pepper. Marinate in sherry wine and water, along with cornstarch and flour as long as you like.

for the Sauce
2 tablespoon hoisin sauce
2 tablespoon oyster sauce
4 tablespoon soy sauce
1 cup sugar
1cup water
1/4 cup vinegar
2 tables spoon cornstarch

dredge marinated chicken in flour, deep fry till golden brown and crispy. d
take the sauce and heat it in a saute pan till boiling and thick.
after frying place chicken in a large bowl and pour sauce over and toss well.
Brown or toast sesame seeds...sprinkle over chicken and toss together till evenly blended.

Folks I'm telling you this is so easy and it is really really good!!!


Posted 9:19 pm, 01/18/2010

ok...that just didn't type out right....let's try this....Confused

we're gonna try our hand at some Oriental fare....


Posted 6:58 pm, 01/18/2010

This week we're gonna try our hand and some Oriental fare....spring rolls or egg rolls, I think, and Sesame Chicken...Razz


Posted 2:59 am, 01/16/2010

where is the cooking class and when? I am interested if you all are still having it. thanks and God Bless!

Daddy P

Posted 3:21 am, 01/15/2010

2bornnot I say the same thing every week too. I will get there one day.

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