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Apple Butter


Posted 7:55 pm, 05/28/2014


I've been making apple butter for years...and yes, it is strictly by taste...

I use granny smith apples along with golden delicious....cook the apples down first...then start adding your spices... cinnamon,cloves allspice..I usually add my spices about a 1/4 tspoon at a time, till I get the right balance that I desire....then.add your sugar half cup at a time...to your liking

I too make lots of jams and jellies...but apple butter is my all time favorite spread...I've made caramel apple butter which is outta this world I tell ya...all ya gotta do there is drop caramel squares into the hot mix...till you like the taste, it's really really good.

good luck!!!

Dixie Cup

Posted 9:06 pm, 05/17/2014

There are no measurements of the ingredients. Do you do it by taste? I may try some this fall. Thanks


Posted 10:51 am, 05/10/2014

I have used her recipe for the last two years and it is great. I don't use the crock pot. I make it on the stove but beware that stirring for four hours + can be rough but well worth the effort. Cook down until it sticks to the spoon and then can like any high sugar recipe. 5 minutes in a boiling water bath and you are good to go all winter.

Dixie Cup

Posted 8:57 pm, 05/04/2014

Does anyone have a recipe for homemade apple butter they would share? I would love to try some. I make all my jams and jelly, but have never tried apple butter.

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