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Homemade Brownie Mix

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Homemade Brownie Mix
Homemade Brownie Mix

Make your own ready-to-use mix that you can store forever. Tastes better than store bought, for about $0.30 per mix!

1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup All-Purpose Flour
1/3 cup Cocoa (use good cocoa, like Ghiradelli, because cheap cocoa doesn't taste as good)
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Baking Powder

At Baking Time Add
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
1 tsp Vanilla

Mix the dry ingredients together, and store in a Ziploc bag or jar. I keep mine in the refrigerator. You can make in larger quantities if you want, then just use 2 cups of mix at a time.

When you're ready to make brownies, mix powder with eggs, vegetable oil, and vanilla. Lightly grease ONLY the bottom of an 8x8 or 9x9 pan (or use baking spray on the bottom), then spread the batter into the pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Be sure to check after 12-15 minutes, and remove when brownies a toothpick comes out almost (but not quite) clean.

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