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Classic German Chocolate Pie

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Classic German Chocolate Pie
Classic German Chocolate Pie

From scratch!

1 (4oz) pack of German Chocolate (I use Baker's brand)
1/4 cup butter
1 2/3 cup (14 1/2 oz) evaporated milk
(I usually buy a 12 oz can and another 5 oz can, then measure out 1 1 2/3 cup)

1 1/2 cup sugar
3 Tbsp cornstarch
1/8 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla

1 unbaked 10 inch pie shell
1 1/3 cup coconut
1 cup chopped pecan

Preheat oven to 375.

Melt chocolate with butter over low heat; stir until blended. I use a double boiler to keep the chocolate from burning. If you don't have a double boiler, then just put 2 cups of water in a large pan, then sit a smaller pan inside of it so that it floats. Turn up the heat so that the water barely boils, and it will heat the smaller pan enough to melt the chocolate, but without being right on the burner.

After the chocolate and butter are completely melted, remove from heat and slowly blend in the evaporated milk.

In a separate bowl, mix the sugar, cornstarch, and salt, then beat in the eggs and vanilla. Gradually blend in the chocolate mixture.

In a third bowl, mix coconut and pecans together.

Sit the pie shell on a cookie pan or something solid, otherwise it will all spill when you try to put it in the oven. Now, pour the chocolate mixture in to the pie shell, then sprinkle the coconut and pecan mixture on top.

Bake for 45 minutes or until top is puffed. The filling will be soft, but it will set while cooling. Cool for at least 4 hours before serving.

Some will like the pie warm, but I like it better cold with the filling thicker. Either way, it's going to be pretty rich, so you might want to cut the pieces smaller than you think is normal!

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Good stuff, love it thanks

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