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Category: Dessert

Username: Bushman

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This sonker recipe can be used with any fruit. I've made peach, and apple. With the peach and apple, you won't need to add any water to the fruit as they are juicier than the berries and when I make an apple sonker I use cinnamon in the flour mix. I can't tell you how much -- just "some".

2 cups fresh or frozen blackberries, rinsed
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 stick butter (use the real stuff, the fake stuff doesn't work)

In an 8X8 baking dish spread the rinsed blueberries.
Add a little water -- maybe 1/8 cup, and sprinkle a little sugar over the berries.

Mix together the flour and sugar. Add the egg and blend with the flour mix. It'll take on the consistency of cornmeal and be lumpy and all the flour and sugar won't mix completely, but it's OK. Spread the flour mix over the blackberrys.

Melt the stick of butter. (I place the unwrapped stick in a glass measuring cup and put it in the microwave for about 45 seconds.) Drizzle the melted butter over the flour mixture. If every little space is not covered, that's OK too.

Bake, uncovered, at 400 degrees until it's golden brown. About 45 minutes. It'll start smelling really good when it's about done.

Let cool for a little while, but while it's still warm, flop a generous portion of vanilla ice cream on top of your serving and prepare yourself for one of the best treats you've ever had.

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I don't want to waste my blackberries on something like this. I'd rather make a cobbler from scratch. I do love me some blackberries.


Chris here, love the recipe! I will try this very soon and with the other fruits as well! I love to cook and try new things so thank you so much!


printing this off now !!!


We always called this no fools pie. Its great hot or cold.

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