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Beer Battered Cod

Category: Main Dishes

Username: Iona Trailer

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Beer Battered Cod
Beer Battered Cod

Best batter for fish. Perfect blend of seasoning and crisp texture. I use cod but works well with perch, walleye, smelts, and why yes of course catfish!

Oil for frying
6-8 good sized pieces of fish of your choice
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
salt, pepper, cajan seasonings 1 Tablespoon each is good but I like mine spicy
so I add more.
1 egg beaten
12 ounce beer preferred dark ale.
extra flour to drudge fish in before battering

Wash and pat dry fish
Mix all dry ingredients in glass or metal bowl.
Incorporate beaten egg.
Slowly add beer mixing all ingredients.
Set aside for at least an hour to set up.
Drudge fish in extra flour.
Dip in beer batter, let excess run off.
Heat oil to medium tempature.
Fry a few pieces at a time .
Adjust oil temperature so not to burn fish or cook outside to quickly.
Roughly 3 -6 minutes each side depending on thickness of fish.
Serve with lemon wedges, tartar sauce.

Reader Response
Yes: 1 No: 0


That sounds very good. I'll try it. I wonder if it would be good with shrimp or oysters.

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