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Yellow Jackets


Posted 8:23 am, 07/30/2011

the best kill is to use 7 dust like sleepie said. i've done this several times and has always worked. take the dust form and dust the hole good where they will land in it and carry it in to the nest on their body. soon it will kill them all with very little work or gas money p s , u can do it night or day if u know where hole is have fun .


Posted 11:28 am, 06/28/2011

mark the hole , go back at night , pour about half a plastic drink bottle of gas down the hole and cap it off with the bottle .... all yellow jackets are up at night , gas kills them , bottle has hole capped off .... gone !


Posted 10:54 am, 06/28/2011

7 Dust


Posted 10:52 am, 06/28/2011

Thanks for your help


Posted 10:42 am, 06/28/2011

Ravap with Vapona. Guaranteed kill


Posted 10:38 am, 06/28/2011

decsurvey (view profile)
Posted 10:35 am, 06/28/2011
Here is an idea....Leave them alone.

For me and my dogs to get stung no...


Posted 10:35 am, 06/28/2011

Here is an idea....Leave them alone.


Posted 10:33 am, 06/28/2011

just spraying the ground is no good . you have to soak it 1-2 (even 5)gallons poured kind of slowly at the hole
you have to really soak the nest with insecticide . spectracide is a bit expensive ($8.50 a quart ? ) but it makes bunches it mixes about 1 tablespoon per gallon of water


Posted 10:31 am, 06/28/2011

Gas only works well just after sunset. That is when almost all of the bees are back in the nest.


Posted 10:28 am, 06/28/2011

I usually fill a plastic bottle with gas, walk over to the hole and stick the bottle in and let it drain itself into the hole. Then come the fireworks.


Posted 10:27 am, 06/28/2011

They may have an escape hole... We had two holes on a bank within a foot of each other.. Had to get both of them .


Posted 10:25 am, 06/28/2011

Guess i will try the gas again and see it helps...


Posted 10:22 am, 06/28/2011

Yep, gas usually works. I need to burn out a nest myself. Dogs already got stung, hate those little buggers


Posted 10:19 am, 06/28/2011

We sprayed the ground but it didn't help any...I wouldn't care about them but that's where my dogs play when they go out...One of my dogs got stung by wasp already...They are every where ...I got stung twice this year by wasp....We keep the yard mowed short..


Posted 10:03 am, 06/28/2011

use a lot more gas or go get a bottle of spectracide (concentrate) at lowes mix up a gallon or two and soak them good


Posted 9:53 am, 06/28/2011

Anyone know how to get rid of yellow jackets poured gas in the holes set them fire.... but they just come back

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