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Posted 6:05 pm, 12/22/2018

Use a hairdryer in lots of paper towel. Melted with the hair dryer in use the paper towel to absorb it and keep repeating until it is cleared up then use some nail polish remover to clean up where the wax spelled


Posted 11:35 am, 11/08/2018

I see this was originally posted in 2015 but in case anyone has this issue again, GOO GONE will cut thru candle wax and remove chunks or just residue. I worked at the candle corp and this is what they use to remove wax. I know Lowe's hardware carries it I bought some there myself but I'm sure Wal-Mart does as well.


Posted 1:51 pm, 07/26/2018

Have you tried a stiff wire brush like is used to clean a grill?


Posted 9:57 am, 07/23/2018

use ice


Posted 11:24 am, 07/02/2015

Try a brown paper bag and hot iron. Place bag on the wax and iron it. I know it works for wax in carpet.


Posted 12:13 am, 05/15/2015

Try heating it up with a hair dryer..or better yet a heat gun..thatll soften it, and allow you to wipe it up with a rag. You may need to try some lighter fluid or wd40 too...iirc both should work.


Posted 8:23 pm, 05/03/2015

Anyone know how to remove candle wax, red, from a slate rock hearth? I tried hot water, and alcohol, and scraping it. It gets a little off but not much. I have a streak of it about 8 inches long and 1 inch wide. The top will scrape off but the deep stuff will not. It's right in front of the front of the hearth.

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