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Tomatoe plants


Posted 10:51 am, 05/23/2014

Tomato worms are large enough to see. They are ugly.

george h w b

Posted 9:21 pm, 05/01/2014

If you will watch, you most probably will catch the Blackbirds breaking off the stems/leaves and using them to build their nests with. Had this happen too me twice. Had to put wire cages around mine to keep them away. Crows will also do the same thing if they can't pull up the whole plant. Should be a little early for cutworms..


Posted 8:47 pm, 05/01/2014

forgive me for laughing.....just found the comment about the older people talking abut cutwoms a fun read. I have used twigs on my tomato plants all my life to protect against cutworms.

I suppose I am an oldie.....lol


Posted 8:43 pm, 05/01/2014

The cut worms cut the plants off near the ground. If you have this problem place a 6 inch long sturdy stick next to the plant. The cut worm will not be able to cut the stick and plant off.


Posted 8:10 pm, 05/01/2014

Seven Dust for the Cut Worms, or a 22 Magnum of the Bigger Cutworms, Groundhogs.


Posted 8:06 pm, 05/01/2014

Something is eating the tops of my tomatoe plants. Has anybody ever heard of something older people used to call cut worms? How do you get rid of them?

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