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To plant or not to plant


Posted 8:08 pm, 04/12/2013

Iknow you can do you some pansies and if you gonna start a garden I think onions and cabbage potatos is ok but Maybe wait on greenbeans unless you are gonna cover them up and if you are thinking of tomatos you need to wait until 2nd week of May anyway thats what I do

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 6:44 pm, 04/12/2013

if you have a sunny spot but water is not readily available, i highly recommend lantana. it's a flowering bush but it blooms for a long time and adds a nice pop of color


Posted 6:34 pm, 04/12/2013

The plants that do the best at my place are petunias and marigolds. Both like the sun. Plus, they don't have to be watered EVERY day.


Posted 4:49 pm, 04/12/2013

goddess that reminds me of a neat "hot house" planter I saw. It was a box made of 4X6's and had a glass window on top that raised up. The back side was a timber higher so the window was slanted towards the front.

Some fried squash would be really nice right about now!


Posted 4:22 pm, 04/12/2013

I've got green beans sprouting, zucchini squash, cukes, several kinds of herb's...green onions and maters!!!

Container gardening...works!!!!


Posted 4:04 pm, 04/12/2013

My mailbox also has a planter, it's located in a sunny location closeby, and I use red Wave Petunias this time of year, and sometimes switch to Garden Mums in the Fall. If yours is too far from a water source, or very far to carry water to- occassionally, I would go with something like Sonata Mix Cosmos. That is a example that will remain beautiful with fairly little work, up until the first frost-
Hope this helps!


Posted 3:32 pm, 04/12/2013

The average last killing frost in Wilkes is around April 15th. I emphasize "average" since we have had freezes as late as early May. You could probably cover the plants if we did get cold weather, however the 10 day forecast is for temperatures to get no lower than in the 40's.


Posted 3:31 pm, 04/12/2013

Well, mary wanna is not on the list metal. I am just looking at for some pretty flowers and maybe some green plants (again, not mary wanna).


Posted 3:31 pm, 04/12/2013

Long range GFS (next Friday morning) has Wilkes down to 34 degrees. Something to keep an eye on.


Posted 3:27 pm, 04/12/2013

Do tell us more, metal!


Posted 3:13 pm, 04/12/2013

too early to plant any mary wanna. lol


Posted 3:06 pm, 04/12/2013

OK to plant peas, onions, pansies, but, there may still be a frost or hard freeze that will kill the tender stuff, unless you are willing to do the cover them up, or carry them in/out everyday for a while thang!


Posted 2:57 pm, 04/12/2013

Thanks sunflower. I am new to this landscaping stuff. Any thoughts on what to put on my mailbox planter.

(By the way it is neat that sunflower2 responded to my planting question lol)


Posted 2:45 pm, 04/12/2013

Wait about a month because there is always a late frost around May 1st


Posted 2:44 pm, 04/12/2013

This weather has me all ready to do some yard work. Problem is, I don't know much about plants and stuff. Is it too early to set out flowers? I have several pots and 2 hanging baskets. I also have a small container on my mailbox post. If I set them out now will they die?

What are some hearty red flowers I can put in my mailbox planter that like a lot of light.

Any advice is appreciated.

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