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Posted 6:57 pm, 03/23/2012

I agree with ridgerunner!! I have done tile for many years and only if you are applying tile to a bathroom floor do you have to use the cement board. You can use it anywhere but its not required even in the bathroom, its really just a preference. Thin set will adhere to the linoleum very strongly, if you linoleum floor was glued down during installation.


Posted 10:12 pm, 03/20/2012

screw down the board and lay the tile and it will be fine


Posted 11:38 pm, 03/15/2012

Thank you both for your responses. Ridgerunner95 are you saying that I should actually just lay the tile over the linoleum and not put down cement board first?


Posted 7:36 pm, 03/15/2012

Actaully, I have learned over time having done flooring for 7 or 8 years, that tile actually adheres better to linoleum.

ashe plumber

Posted 5:54 pm, 03/12/2012

I'd be concerned about the linoleum having a little give in it, that might cause the grout joints to crack. If it were me I'd take the linoleum up first.


Posted 10:23 pm, 03/09/2012

I'm getting ready to lay ceramic tile in a bathroom. The original floor is linoleum on particle board. When the house was being built the guy putting in the floors dropped cigarette ashe on the linoleum and it has a burnt spot on it. A few years later I put linoleum tiles over that linoleum. After a few months a hole started to appear where that cigarette burn was and now it is completely ripped through. So now I want to put down real tile. My question is is it okay to just lay the tile board/cement board, whatever you call it, over those two layers of linoleum or should I rip out one or both layers? I figure tile board is thick enough to keep that cigarette burn from tearing through, but I want to do this right this time and not have any problems.

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