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Posted 9:29 pm, 06/26/2013

Bee kind to the bees, what ever you put on your yard do it late in the evening, Thus it wont kill the honey bees.


Posted 8:49 pm, 06/26/2013

I had one in my truck the other day...And today...My husband found one on my neck crawling toward my hair, which there is a lot of..Needless to say..I am looking for a new car and house


Posted 8:45 pm, 06/26/2013

Since these are blood suckers rub yourself with some garlic oil.

to be or not to be

Posted 11:53 am, 06/26/2013

Ticks are horrible this year. Everyone please be careful and check yourself and pets daily. A family friend was bitten and spent a week in ICU in a hospital in Greensboro with Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever.

Be vigilant be safe


Posted 11:07 am, 06/26/2013

You can spray the yard with an insecticide like Sevin or you can just put on a repellant each time you go out. As mentioned before, avoid areas with tall vegetation since ticks like to crawl up and wait on something to pass by.


Posted 11:03 am, 06/26/2013

I found a couple crawling on me within a weeks time, and thought this is gonna be a bad year. Since then haven't seen any more. Watch now, after I say that will probably get covered up with the little vampires :(

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:32 am, 06/26/2013

they will even cluster around the legs of swingsets if not weed whacked. they can sense warm blooded animals are in the traffic path and will hang in tall grass in hopes of grabbing a ride. if he doesn't want to weed whack all the time, tell him to use roundup and just kill the tall grass along the fence line.


Posted 9:30 am, 06/26/2013

I keep telling the DH that info, Elmo. He doesn't want to weed eat between the fences and I think that's were the little bastids are coming from!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:27 am, 06/26/2013

hahahahaha Music

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:26 am, 06/26/2013

same here Truth, i just keep checking my pets a couple of times a day. haven't found anything on them. might have to use Small's idea if it keeps up. there has been a lot of haying and mowing around my property and i think they are coming from the fields nearby.

just some info, i was doing some research on this last night. ticks like moist shade, not hot dry sunny areas. if you are having a problem it might not be necessary to use toxic treatment every place but in those locations that ticks like. keep your yards mowed. they like tall grassy areas.


Posted 9:25 am, 06/26/2013

The wrath of music is a "turrible" fearsome thing!


Posted 9:21 am, 06/26/2013

I was outside yesterday evening and found one crawling up my arm.

I picked him off, put him on the pavement and set him on fire. Let him be an example for all other blood sucking pests.


Posted 9:20 am, 06/26/2013

Sprinkle Sevin Dust around the yard.


Posted 9:19 am, 06/26/2013

We have had quite a few ticks this year, I just have to keep checking everyone. You should take Chendo up on the offer! Lol

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:17 am, 06/26/2013

sure .... stop by anytime. on my way outside in just a few minutes. should be ready for examining in about an hour. lol


Posted 9:15 am, 06/26/2013

elmo...can i check you for ticks?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:14 am, 06/26/2013

last week i found a tick in my hair after doing some yard work. yesterday i was exercising one of my dogs with some play and found one on my leg. i have no idea what to do but i obviously have a tick problem in my yard.


Posted 8:56 am, 06/26/2013

Free roam chicken, ducks, trukeys.= no ticks, one of my trukeys picks bugs off my dogs. The dogs love it.


Posted 8:42 am, 06/26/2013

Ticks, fleas, and mosquitos have been TERRIBLE around here so far this year.


Posted 1:50 am, 06/26/2013

Guineas. Have guineas = no ticks.

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