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Stink Bugs


Posted 3:11 pm, 09/12/2014

Hot Mess (view profile)

Posted 12:22 pm, 09/12/2014

windsofchange (view profile)

Posted 8:25 pm, 09/11/2014

They're nothing, I saw a black snake this morning..... In my bathroom!
Does he have a wrecker service.


Posted 3:04 pm, 09/12/2014

you need to get guineas, they'll rid u of most bugs, also eat baby snakes & warn of predators or strangers


Posted 1:45 pm, 09/12/2014

I googled stink bugs earlier cause we're infested with them too and what I read said to use diatomaceous earth. Naturally occurring element that will basically dehydrate them and kill them. Lowes sells a product called Crawling Insect killer for about $9.00 a bag.

Hot Mess

Posted 12:22 pm, 09/12/2014

windsofchange (view profile)

Posted 8:25 pm, 09/11/2014

They're nothing, I saw a black snake this morning..... In my bathroom!

What was his name?

Flatlander Now

Posted 9:44 am, 09/12/2014

Andrew Zimmern says they have a nutty taste.


Posted 7:19 am, 09/12/2014

I was mowing at my grandmother's house yesterday, I've not saw them in large numbers, just like one or two here and there. But yesterday, I bet I saw 200 or even more, they we really bad yesterday. I've never saw them this bad. Is there anything you can do to maybe get rid of the most of them. I'm sure I'll never get rid of them all, but just maybe the majority of them. I guess I'll get a couple of bird feeders and feel them up and see if that will help some! Any and all help will be muchly appreciated. Many Thanks!


Posted 6:31 am, 09/12/2014

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for trolling.


Posted 6:13 am, 09/12/2014

"I've seen only 2 lately."... that's my count also...knock wood


Posted 4:46 am, 09/12/2014

Be careful those nasty stink bugs are for sure back again and bite the pee out of you,don't believe it goggle it! You can sit out a bowl or bucket of water and put dish detergent in it works best if you put it under a light and they'll jump right in,good luck with getting rid of those stinky critters!!!


Posted 9:46 pm, 09/11/2014

They are everywhere at my house too!


Posted 9:05 pm, 09/11/2014

Forget stink bugs. I've seen only 2 lately. My problem is gnats and ants! They're everywhere and I'm doing all I can to control them. Driving me crazy in the process though!


Posted 8:25 pm, 09/11/2014

They're nothing, I saw a black snake this morning..... In my bathroom!


Posted 7:51 pm, 09/11/2014

Nuke 'em.


Posted 7:45 pm, 09/11/2014

In my Shangri La there are no stink bugs, I've only seen five or six over the past several years.

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 7:44 pm, 09/11/2014

yep they are showing up in our neighborhood ...in my yard I toss out bird feed and it seems to keep the birds busy only have had one or two on my window screen...but will try anything else to help keep them from getting out of hand.....good luck too all...

63 triumph

Posted 7:29 pm, 09/11/2014

Aint none in FINLEY. I went for a ride on the MOPED.Seen them while I was going down 2nd street.


Posted 7:27 pm, 09/11/2014

63, we know you are trouble!


Posted 7:26 pm, 09/11/2014

63 triumph aren't you the one who is always bragging about living in Finley Park? I would think you all wouldn't allow them to reside there.

63 triumph

Posted 7:18 pm, 09/11/2014

Yeah they say that about me to.


Posted 7:16 pm, 09/11/2014

Yes they are, I noticed a bunch of them outside kohls. They're annoying, but harmless.

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