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Starting a new family garden!


Posted 9:03 am, 01/29/2012

Symbiotic planting link: http://bristen.com/naturesh...gChart.htm


Posted 8:50 am, 01/29/2012

The dollar store where robbies used to be have these for $10 and they are fantastic. Peppers and cherry tomatoes do great in them also. I use miracle grow garden soil in mine. http://www.magiccabin.com/T...C4202.html


Posted 8:43 am, 01/29/2012

Now we're getting somewhere. First I have never seen anyone successfully grow carrots here. May I suggest some squash, egg plant, lettuce and kale.

cleaningout closets

Posted 8:21 am, 01/29/2012

We are using small raised beds, the soil is really good- mostly sun, some shade, blocked on two sides from wind. Planting carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and melons.

I think we are going to try the cubic foot planting area where you mark off 1 ft sections...I would like to know more about companion planting...


Posted 8:11 am, 01/29/2012

We need more information such as the size, terrain, elevation, sun and wind exposure, soil condition, and a list of everything you are going to plant and what tools you have.


Posted 12:27 am, 01/29/2012

Plenty of chicken **** around to use as fertilizer.


Posted 12:04 am, 01/29/2012

You need to make sure you till the spot up good, and get up all the grass and weeds.


Posted 12:01 am, 01/29/2012

I wouldnt start one right now, id wait for it to quit frosting first.


Posted 11:46 pm, 01/28/2012

The raised beds are an awesome way to garden if you have limited room. Also the plants do better because if you do the beds right the roots grow healthy and strong because they soil is more aerated and loose. There are many ways to optimize your space to maximize the amount of crops you can yield :)


Posted 10:48 pm, 01/28/2012

We did our garden in 4 ft x 4 ft raised beds. You can get all the way around them to reach what is inside without climbing into them. Just leave enough room between them to mow. You'll be surprised how much you can grow in a small space.

cleaningout closets

Posted 10:33 pm, 01/28/2012

Can ya'll please share you best tips/ ideas for gardening?

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