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Snakes everywhere


Posted 7:22 pm, 08/04/2014

Snakes are very beneficial in that they kill a lot of mice, voles, and rats. They also kill some birds and eat birds' eggs, but the good outweighs the bad.


Posted 1:34 am, 07/09/2014

A 4 1/2 foot black rat snake slithered up on to the carport. I have a new belt.


Posted 12:09 am, 07/06/2014

If Benadryl and antibiotics "cured" your dogs then they were not bitten by a copperhead snake. Maybe a non-poisonous snake.


Posted 11:54 pm, 07/05/2014

I've heard the same thing about moth balls!! Does anybody know if they really work? Also anybody know if the "snake away" stuff works?

on the hill

Posted 10:10 pm, 07/05/2014

$2500. to save a cat? I had 7 Boston Terriers bitten by a copperhead one night, their heads looked like as big as a cantaloupe, also their throats were swollen almost shut, depending on where they had been bitten, I stayed up w/them all night forcing down Benadryl & antibiotics, all survived, cost maybe $20. for the antibiotics I had on hand & a nights sleep but it was worth it. What vet charged you that much?

1 golden eagle

Posted 8:55 pm, 07/05/2014

I have seen more this year than I can ever remember. I have a couple of black snakes in my yard and have considered them beneficial. One of them almost broke our peace treaty the other day when I caught him climbing up my front door and looking through the glass at me. If I had opened the door he would have been in my house. The battle would have been on LOL. Aside from that, I have seen Copperheads everywhere. I have killed a couple and most of my neighbors have as well. The same is true of spiders and "bugs" in general. I really thought with all the cold weather this year would be fewer this year.


Posted 1:51 pm, 07/05/2014

Leave snakes alone, and they will leave you alone. Snakes are very rarely aggressive. . . only defensive.


Posted 12:08 pm, 07/05/2014

Black rat snakes only turn black when they mature. Young black rat snakes have patterns, mainly gray with black blotches.


Posted 12:07 pm, 07/05/2014

The rumor of Copperheads and Blacksnakes crossbreeding is FALSE and not possible. Copperheads bare there young live whereas Blacksnakes lay eggs.


Posted 12:00 pm, 07/05/2014

I killed a 30" copperhead at my back porch about a month ago--never had seen a copperhead on this farm in my life. It had struck one of my cats (in a fenced-in yard). I spent almost $2,500 saving the cat.

The very next day, I was visited by a 7' black snake (amazing animal, very calm and friendly) and a much smaller black racer (scary fast). Both are welcome at my house. Interestingly, they both appeared at the very same spot where I killed the copperhead. Online, I read that poisonous snakes emit a smell when in distress, and I wondered if the smell that the copperhead must have emitted had drawn the other two in.

I also read an article in the Burlington Times, and the author remarked that everyone he knew had a copperhead encounter this year.

Joseph T.

Posted 11:28 am, 07/03/2014

neatguy472002 (view profile)

Posted 6:17 am, 07/03/2014

My neighbor has killed 2 copperheads, 1 garden (garter) snake in mid June. I haven't seen one on my property so far this year. I usually see a few black snakes and those devils always surprise me in my out buildings or somewhere I least expect to see them.

Why would he want to kill a garter snake they are harmless.


Posted 11:03 am, 07/03/2014

Hubby killed a copperhead night before last in my flower bed, it was about 30 inches long.. . I've heard mothballs throwed about will keep snakes away. I'm gonna pick some up today..

george h w b

Posted 10:48 am, 07/03/2014

@ CanesFan

Clean it up

Posted 10:15 am, 07/03/2014


Posted 10:14 am, 07/03/2014

You think snakes are bad at your house, you should check out the White House.


Posted 9:45 am, 07/03/2014

I hate snakes, someone told me an old wives tale that they are active in odd hours of the day. Has anyone else ever heard this?


Posted 7:57 am, 07/03/2014

Last one was on to of step ladder I had left on carport. Crawled down and was trying to get into house which led to its demise.


Posted 7:10 am, 07/03/2014

Just be watchful and leave them alone, if you kill them all you'll be more overrun with rodents than you already are.


Posted 6:17 am, 07/03/2014

My neighbor has killed 2 copperheads, 1 garden (garter) snake in mid June. I haven't seen one on my property so far this year. I usually see a few black snakes and those devils always surprise me in my out buildings or somewhere I least expect to see them.


Posted 5:36 am, 07/03/2014

We've had a couple of good sized ones this year. Thank goodness just black snakes & not any poisonous. There have been a LOT of snake bite calls on the scanner this year though!

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