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RF Choke


Posted 10:50 pm, 05/01/2015

"Myth: The line is safe because it's not high voltage. Actually, voltage is not what will kill you, amperage will. It takes 1 amp to cause fatal heart irregularities. The average house has between 100 and 200 amps running through it."


Posted 10:46 pm, 05/01/2015

Okay hows this I worked in the electrical field for over 25 years. Any 1st year Electronics Student would tell you about a tenth of an amp can kill. Most 110 volt outlets are on 15 Amp breakers and before they trip some amperage will be sent into your body. It can alter the beating of your heart that means you die. SO before you give people advice that can kill them or hurt them maybe you should actually know what you are talking about.

Basking (view profile)

Posted 10:25 pm, 05/01/2015

Before trying to correct me, I suggest you actually work with electricity and know something about it first


Posted 10:34 pm, 05/01/2015

Silver lining!


Posted 10:31 pm, 05/01/2015

Stop complaining about the bill. You've got a competent electrician to call, and your ex is his problem. That alone is worth the service call


Posted 10:26 pm, 05/01/2015

I don't mess with elecricity. My ex wife's husband is an electrician. I let my "step husband" help me out...too bad I don't get the family discount


Posted 10:25 pm, 05/01/2015

Before trying to correct me, I suggest you actually work with electricity and know something about it first


Posted 10:20 pm, 05/01/2015

Depending on a person heart less than an amp can kill,. If you think110 volts will not kill? You should really educate yourself before giving someone some really horrible advice and dangerous advice. You got way to many factors to deal with to tell anyone that 110 volts wouldn't hurt them.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:09 pm, 05/01/2015

110 won't kill ya??????

I am not particularly interested in anything that would get me half way to death. lol


Posted 10:06 pm, 05/01/2015

110 won't kill you. And the only help that will do any good is calling a professional.


Posted 10:03 pm, 05/01/2015

It's not necessarily true to say the insulation will protect you. If is has a small hole electricity can arc through those holes and still contact your skin and hurt or kill you. Moot point anyway because Elmo isn't going to do it she's calling someone for help. Good for her.


Posted 9:38 pm, 05/01/2015

Stick the wires in the outlet. As long as you hold them by the insulation, it won't hurt you. And one issue with finding a break is you need to understand how the thing works and how it's supposed to be installed. It's time to hire a pro. Call Invisible Fence and have them set up a service call.


Posted 9:34 pm, 05/01/2015

Good for you Elmo! It pays to be afraid of things you are uncertain of.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:27 pm, 05/01/2015

I am kind of a gutsy ole broad, but I truly hate dealing with electricity. It flippin' hurts. I would never just stick wires outlet .... or touch them together ,,, nothing like ever. The fear factor prevents me. I even hate jumper cables. Lol

But I am pretty sure I have the device. If that doesn't work ... I will be calling ya Truth

I feel I have a few days before my dog realizes the fence isn't working She gave up challenging the fence over a year ago.

White America

Posted 9:27 pm, 05/01/2015

My meter has a tone ground setting. It buzzes when you touch the two probes together. It will also check for continuity


Posted 9:20 pm, 05/01/2015

You do realize someone could get hurt or killed doing that.


Posted 9:12 pm, 05/01/2015

Yes, that's the meter, but you will have to find the ohm setting on it. Looks sort of like an Omega symbol. And yes, stick the wires in the outlet. It works. And the Sparks are fun to watch


Posted 8:58 pm, 05/01/2015

My hubs can find it for you. Call me tomorrow.


Posted 8:48 pm, 05/01/2015

No, I just didn't read someone told Elmo to stick wires in an outlet!

Elmo don't do that!

Cheap Ohm meter with a Continuity Tone on it is all you need to locate a broken wire. YOU TUBE has several videos that explain how to test continuity.

One of hundreds!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 8:45 pm, 05/01/2015

I think I have one of those meters in the garage. Is that what is used for testing circuits/live wires inside the house? Forgive me I don't know the name for it. I just call it a circuit tester

old man down the road

Posted 8:28 pm, 05/01/2015

Make yourself some witching wires.

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