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Question About Ductless Heat/Air Pump


Posted 9:28 pm, 08/27/2011

My husband works for Boone Heating and Air. They install the ductless units. There are advantages to having a company install the unit as far as the upkeep of the unit. Give them a call, estimates are free.

Boone Heating & Air 828-268-1125


Posted 7:03 pm, 08/18/2011

we recently did an addition of 2000 sq feet, so this is where we installed these units, then opened up the wall between the new and old, which is about 2000 sq feet also, we have heat pump and central air in the old part, but the new area stays cooler, my husband in stalled ours except for the wiring. we really do like ours, this months power bill was around 220.00, not bad for almost 4000 sq feet living space.


Posted 2:30 pm, 08/18/2011

Thanks for the information. Bonate, I'd like to ask you a few questions about your system. I have an old farmhouse (built in early 1900's). I don't want a duct system put in as I feel it takes away from the house. We currently use window units for air in the summer, which does a fair job as our home is shaded and older homes are usually a little cooler. We currently use gas heaters (one large unit and three small units) for heat. I saw the ductless system advertised and wanted to research it as an option. Did you have someone locally to install your unit? How large/old is the house you use yours in currently? Thanks for any info you can provide.


Posted 11:46 pm, 08/16/2011

we recently installed this ductless unit with 4 room units, it is a very quiet outside unit when running, the air is much cooler than the duct system, no more costly than the duct unit, i do like settings the rooms their own temp, over all, nice system, very happy with it, glad we went with it.


Posted 12:18 pm, 08/05/2011


One benefit of ductless heating is that each air-handling unit heats a specific area (zone) of the house or structure, rather than the whole house, as with central heat and air units. If one or more heads is located throughout the structure, each is still controlled independently. Ductless heating is programmable to establish day and nighttime temperature settings so they use energy more efficiently. And, with ductless heating, you only have to heat the zones you occupy, which saves on energy use.
Additional Advantages

It is easy to install ductless heating to added or converted rooms such as basements and attics because they do not require the extensive duct work that central heat and air systems do. Another benefit of ductless heating units, unlike window units, is the reduced chance of intruders due to the only outside line being through a three-inch. Also, some states, Montana and Oregon for instance, offer tax credits to homeowners who install ductless heating.

Because ductless heating is a zonal heating unit, you may need up to four heads for larger homes or structures. Another disadvantage is that it is advisable for home and business owners to keep the primary heating unit even after the installation of ductless heating to ensure even temperatures in severe weather. Ductless heating can be expensive to install, with an average installation price between $3,000 and $5,000 (about 30% more than window units of the same power can provide).
Additional Disadvantages

If the installer misjudges how much heating/cooling capacity you need for the structure, the system will not work efficiently. If you are like some individuals, you may not like how an added indoor head unit may look because you feel it takes away from the beauty of the home. Ductless heat pumps also require a condensation drain way for the outside compressor, which may deter some homeowners, too. Qualified installers and technicians may be difficult to find in some areas.


Posted 4:40 pm, 06/15/2011

Does anyone have any experience with the ductless heat pumps with central air conditioning? Would love some comments from anyone who has one of these systems.


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