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POISON OAK/// IVEY.what will kill it ?

Crazy Steve

Posted 6:58 pm, 06/12/2013

Try stripping off naked and rooling around in it.


Posted 6:55 pm, 06/12/2013

I still think dynamite sounds more fun


Posted 5:39 pm, 06/12/2013

My method is 100 % effective.


Posted 3:34 pm, 06/12/2013

Bought some weed killer at oakwoods market dont remember the name but its the best stuff I have used on poison oak. Robert will fix you up. Think it was Glyco


Posted 2:39 pm, 06/12/2013

Brushmaster from Wilkes Farm and Garden will do the job. It is a Crossbow knock off but it works really well.
Try to spray on a sunny day before 12:00 p.m. Most weed control chemicals need 6-8 hours of full sun to be really effective.


Posted 11:53 am, 06/12/2013

1 cup white vinegar, and1/4 cup of salt 2ups of water- mix and spray on poison oak or Ivey.Do this while sun is out and hot during the day.

diesel and dust

Posted 9:49 am, 06/12/2013

There is a weed/brush killer on the market called Crossbow. I have used it on the stuff and it works really well. Tractor supply might have it but I am not going to swear to it. Southern States in Boone does have it though.


Posted 9:42 am, 06/12/2013

Mix roundup 3 ounces to the gallon put in a table spoon of miracle grow and couple of ounces of dish washing liquid. The miracle grow makes the plant open up its pores and will take in the roundup. The dish washing liquid acts as a sticker and will hold it to the leaves. Will take about 2 weeks to kill

Joseph T.

Posted 9:25 am, 06/12/2013

Didn't we just have this same thread a week or so back? Op take a bottle and cut the top off and pour some Clorox in the bottle then put the end of the vine in the bottle it will soak up the Clorox and kill the roots.


Posted 8:08 am, 06/12/2013

Brush master does a good job. Roundup mixer eight ounces to a gallon will also kill it. You need yo use about two ounces of dish detergent in the mix.


Posted 6:34 am, 06/12/2013

Oh and whatever tool you use to dig it up with will make good gift for that "special someone"


Posted 6:30 am, 06/12/2013

Wear disposable coveralls, old gloves, old socks, old shoes, a full face shield and respirator. Now go out there and pull it up by the roots with your gloved hands. The large ones will need to be dug up. Put all the poision oak plants in a large trash bags and then all your PPE in another one and put them in the dumpster. Now take a bath using plenty of lye soap. If the poision oak is mixed in with honey-suckle or some other friend wait until it's been very hot and dry for a week and spray it with so called weed killer. After a few weeks burn the poision oaks friend with a flame thrower and drink a few beers or some cheap wine.


Posted 5:51 am, 06/12/2013

i can't believe in this day and time someone would be so stupid as to pour gas and oil out to do harm to the enviroment.it's no wonder there are so many people in wilkes who think the epa is a bad thing.

****, it came out of the ground its just getting put back...


Posted 5:50 am, 06/12/2013

Posted 1:36 am, 06/12/2013

I have tried gas,motor oil,weed killer and STILL can't get rid of it ...HELP !

i can't believe in this day and time someone would be so stupid as to pour gas and oil out to do harm to the enviroment.it's no wonder there are so many people in wilkes who think the epa is a bad thing.


Posted 4:48 am, 06/12/2013

Get some bush killer.


Posted 2:40 am, 06/12/2013

After the dynamite just put down artifical turf on the entire yard? Problem solved forever?


Posted 2:15 am, 06/12/2013



Posted 2:00 am, 06/12/2013

crossbow does pretty good, but will kill all grass and such around it.


Posted 1:48 am, 06/12/2013

LOL...It's not on me ..it's in my yard .DUH !!


Posted 1:47 am, 06/12/2013

No, i have'nt been in it ..I just have a big patch of it i need/want to get rid of ..and i can't it keeps coming back ,what will kill it for good ?

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